Chapter Eleven

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I dialed dad's number and waited for an answer.

"Hi, honey."

"You called? Is something wrong?"

"Yes, absolutely! Your mother is driving me crazy. She always complains, she not cooking and when she decides to, it's only for her."

I pinched my forehead. But it's not even that long...

"I cannot live like this. Speak to your mother! She nags me and will drive me to drink!"

My eyes widened, "No, you certainly will not drink! Do you remember our agreement?"

"Yes, but she's driving me nuts! I can't stay here, Maliah. I really can't."

Sigh. "Put mom on the phone."

I heard bickering in the background and scuffles. It almost sounded like they were fighting. Then I heard whispering and dad screamed in agony after. I sucked my teeth and hung up. I can't deal with this.

A few seconds later, mom rang.

"Are you all finished?" I asked, annoyed.

"Your father is an idiot. A deranged fool! I cannot live with him, Maliah."

"Why did y'all get married in the first place? Why did you have kids?" I tried to make her see reason but she kept on rambling.

"Honey, I'm tired. I can't be picking up after him every time. He acts like a child and expects me to do everything for him."

I rubbed my temples feeling a tight headache at the front of my head. I exhaled, "Mom he's still your husband. For better or for worse. Do you remember our deal?"

"Yes, I do."

"Good so both of y'all need to work y'all shit out and live properly or our deal is off!" I shouted.


"I'm serious! Work y'all stuff out like adults and stop calling me. If any of you call and complain again, that will be it!" I huffed and hung up.

I was tired of them complaining. They have been emotionally draining me ever since Malik died. I flopped back on my bed with a pounding headache. Only my parents would stress me out like that--only them. No-one else. Maybe hot tea should help...


The weekend zoomed by and I barely remembered what had occurred. I arrived home late on Monday evening because the firm had received a client a few minutes before closing time. Anya dropped me home at 5:40p.m. and I was greeted with a text from mom reminding me about our deal.

I totally forgot today was that day. My eyes ached and my back was sore. All I wanted to do was to take a bath and go to bed, not go over there to deal with their stress. I responded with a text saying I had a late evening at work but she insisted that I come. Bah!

I took a quick bath, got ready and strolled out the road for the evening bus. It literally pulled up within five minutes. Thank heavens. Mom was sitting in the patio waiting when I arrived. Oh boy...

"Maliah..." she crooned.

"Are you serious? Were you going to stay out here the entire night waiting?"

"I cannot stay in there with your father. He is an--"

I held my palm up, "I didn't come here for that mom."

I pushed the front door to leave her outside, but she scrambled off her seat and followed behind. Dad was on the couch watching TV. I waved him goodnight and took a seat on the recliner opposite him. Mom took a seat on the far end of the couch dad was sitting on. I rolled my eyes. They were such kids. Even I acted more mature than they.

"What's good dad?" I asked.

Excited, he told me about his job and how he loved working there. He said that the staff was friendly and supportive. I asked mom the same question, and all she did was complain, as usual.

My mom worked for a cleaning company. She believed they were never equipped with the right cleaning tools to get the job done. Although the company had been rated as the best and most generous for worker's salary, she always wanted more.

I switched the topic and asked what it had for dinner. I was starving because I didn't get the time to eat when I got home. Mom whipped up some corned beef and roast bake and we all sat around the table like a family. It felt awkward, but good because we weren't arguing or angry for the first time.

"So Maliah," mom said as she sipped her tea. "I heard you went to the beach the day Malik died and had a mental break down."

I dropped the bake that was in my hands, letting it clatter on the ceramic plate. "Who told you that mom?"

"Beverly, she said her brother was on the beach and told her."

"Why she don't mind her darm business!" Nothing irked me more than comessive people spreading what they seemed fit to them.

"Darling, I told you to stop going to that awful beach. You are embarrassing yourself and me."


"Honey, don't listen to her," dad chimed in.

"I am old enough to make my own decisions, mom. If you don't like it, then that's your problem!"

I stuffed the last piece of bake in my mouth and pushed off from the table, ready to leave. I headed to the couch for my purse and looped it over my shoulder.

"Where are you going?" mom asked.

"Away from you. I'm an embarrassment, remember?" Dad walked over and hugged me, but I pushed him off. "Dad would you please drop me home. I'm ready to go."

He scratched his head and mom laughed out loud.

"What? What's so funny?" rage fueled me.

"Your father's license was confiscated last year by the court. He drove drunk too many times," she chuckled.

"What?" Why didn't I know this?

"I'll carry you home," mom said.

"No thank you, I'll pass on that. I don't want people to see an embarrassment in your car."

I pushed the door and slammed it behind me. Here I was, walking out to the main road at after ten in the night to wait for a car. My heart raced as I stood there waiting. This wasn't something I did late in the night or ever at all. I should be in my bed, not out here...

I took out my phone with trembling hands and called Anya. I told her what had happened and she said that she would be there soon.

After ten minutes of standing against a post in the cold night dew, she arrived with a guy in the front seat. I hopped in the back saying good night. I eyed them both; it looked like they were dressed for a dinner or something. Shit! I'm such a party pooper.

Heat crept into my cheeks, "Sorry."

"It's alright Mals, we were just finishing up our dinner when you called."

The guy turned around and extended his hand. "Hi, I'm Ricardo."


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