Chapter Twenty Two

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Rion's number flashed across my screen. How could I be so stupid to think that he would help? I tightened my grip around the phone as it vibrated the third time in my hands.

I needed the mattress to move, but I wasn't going to tarnish my pride.

"Do you smell that? Ugh!"

I heard a voice outside speaking.

"Who on earth would leave that smelly thing there?" Another voice said.

I ran to the window and saw my next door neighbor and his girlfriend. They were blocking their noses while one was trying desperately to open their apartment door.

Ugh! Great! I had no choice but to ask to him because I was offending people with the scent. Sighing, I answered the phone.


"Hey, sorry about that. What did you want?" Rion asked. His voice sounded desperate with a hint of concern.

"You're an asshole. Do you know that?"

His laughter echoed in my ear. I couldn't believe he was laughing me. I grinded my teeth. "I would like you to do something for me." I continued.



"You forgot to say please."

Ugh! It was bad enough I had to ask, now he had me begging. "Please."

"What's the matter?"

"I have a mattress to be removed from the front of Ms Flint's house."

I swore I heard a snicker.

"Oh, that terrible mattress is yours? I was smelling it from miles. Damn girl."

I bit my cheek and hung up. That was the last straw. I should have never called and answered back. Anya should have just given me someone else's number to work with.

I walked over to my cupboard and pulled out last year's phone book. It was green and dusty from lack of use. My fingers skimmed through the business section until I landed on several moving companies.

I checked my watch. Shit! A majority of the ones I found were already closed and others were not available. The issue was driving me nuts. How could something simple be so difficult to handle?

Then I heard a van revved it's engine outside. Mr Locke? Unlocking my door, I hustled outside to see Rion hopping out of the van.

I closed my eyes and counted to ten. He was not going to disrupt my aura again.

"Maliah?" Rion called. His heavy steel toe boots thumped towards me.

I headed for my door but he grabbed my elbow. "Let me go!" I yanked my arm away. His hands were rough and callused.

"Alright, I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?" He had a lot to be sorry for. I had a hard list on my mind for all the things he should apologize for.

Rion scratched his head. "Everything. Listen, I've never meant to hurt you in anyway. I was just trying to help and lighten your mood."

I blinked. Why was his clothing always so revealing? If it wasn't a tank vest, he would have on a skin tight tee.

Then both of our attention flew to the mattress across the yard. It had fell on the floor, and the gaping hole where the rat laid in peace was perfectly visible.

"Is that a rat?" He pointed.

Can't the rat just die in peace without anyone asking stupid questions? I rolled my eyes.

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