Chapter Forty

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I took a step back. My breaths uneven and ragged from his embrace.

Rion pinched his lips-- still mesmerized by our kiss. His eyes were dark, sort of seductive looking and burning with desire.

"You're sick!" I glowered. Hauling my bag from his arm, I stomped off leaving him behind.

He had no right to kiss me like that. I mean, it felt good. He tasted good but... but he said it didn't mean anything the first time. What would make it different now? Was this a game for him? Was I a game to him? Ugh!!!

"Wait! Hold up!" He shouted.

Without looking back, I slowed my pace allowing him to catch up with me. His heavy footsteps thumped on the dry mud as he met closer. Rion grabbed my hand and positioned himself to face me.

"What do you want!!" I yelled. My eyes were grainy as if sand was caught in it. As much as I tried, I couldn't stop the tears from trickling down my cheeks.

"Gosh Maliah..." Rion cupped my face.

My breath caught a bit from his fiery touch, but I just couldn't. I just couldn't stand there and let him use me as a mule. "Get away from me!" I placed my hands around his wrists and yanked them away from my face.

"I don't get it..." he rubbed his head. "Why are you bent on making everything an issue?"

My mouth fell open. Was he serious? Me? An issue? "Me?" I pointed at my chest and let out a cynical laugh. He was crazy. "You're crazy!" I huffed.

He wasn't making me feel any better. He just solidified that I was only useful to relieve him of whatever built up emotional problems he had. I turned on my heels, still laughing sadly to myself, and walked off.

"Maliah! Wait."

I threw my hands in the air. "Wait for what! For you to have your way with me and then say it meant nothing? For you to kiss me and then pretend it never happened? For you to tell me something else that would hurt my feelings?" The tremble in my voice made me feel weak. He was able to see me undone. I couldn't take it anymore.

Rion was standing a few feet away from me-- five perhaps-- and he could see my distraught. I wasn't sure if he was at lost for words, or just playing ignorant. Well, I wasn't sticking around to find out.

It only took him a few seconds to break my pace. He ran in front of me and walked backwards, "I... I'm sorry." He rubbed the back of his neck.

I stopped and folded my arms, "Sorry for what?"

He sighed. "Sorry for making you feel bad about the kiss. It wasn't supposed to be like that..."

Oh great! Now I was a terrible mistake. Tears blurred my vision as I tried to salvage what was left of my pride and dignity. I tried my best to maneuver around him but he blocked my path, making it difficult to pass him. It was either him or a cliff.

"I mean we were both vulnerable and I wanted to keep everything professional between us. But--"

"But you kissed me again just to see how it would be the second time right!?" I asked sarcastically, my voice laced with my suppressed sobs. "You're a sick pervert who thinks they could get away with anything without any consequences. You don't care about the feelings of others. I refuse to be your martyr!"

I stomped on his left foot hard and walked off.

"God damn it!!" He cursed under his breath. "MALIAH!!" He screamed.

His voice was deep, and it boomed. It was loud enough for anyone within a distance to hear. Heck, it was loud enough for animals to respond to. Taken aback by his voice of authority, I halted my steps and turned back. He was holding his head in frustration.

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