Chapter Twelve

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I stared at his extended hand filled with gold rings and an expensive looking gold watch. Is he in a gang or something? What's with the gold?

My eyes peered at his heavy hands.

"Um... Ricardo are you staying off now or after?" Anya asked trying to divert the tension.

He eyed me and squinted as if he was trying to figure me out. "After." He turned around and faced Anya.

"Ok, cool."

"You know, we were just going to have some fun when you called." He turned back and winked at me.

"Ricky!" Anya shouted.

I didn't like Ricardo and certainly the tone he was using on me. He made me feel like an animal in a corner awaiting its doom.

"Sorry..." I rubbed my arms in nervousness as if I was cold.

"Listen Mals, don't pay attention to Ricky, he just likes to play."

I stared out the window behind Anya's seat and looked at the passing cars. I glanced in front and saw Ricardo ogling me. Isn't Anya seeing this? I got goose bumps immediately from his creepy stares.

The heavy gold chain around his neck made him look older than he actually was. I wanted to get out. Anya pulled up in front my gap and I yanked the handle for the door to open. I stumbled out the car and walked to Anya's window.

"Thanks for the pick up. Hope I didn't ruin your night. I need to pee now so can't chit chat." I lied. I stormed off and ran up my doorsteps.

"Ok hun! Later!" Anya shouted as as I shoved the door open.

I looked back for a brief second and Ricardo licked his lips at me. Ugh! I hustled inside and closed the door.

My heart thumped fast as I leaned against the door. I couldn't fathom why he had an effect on me. I dragged my feet towards my room and took off my clothes.

I jumped into my pajamas and fell onto my bed. My pillows smelt heavenly against my nose. I curled up like a foetus and was out cold in two minutes.


Another week had passed and I was yet to consider Anya's proposal. I visited the beach on Tuesday but I didn't go near the water. Anya called everyday to remind me about her suggestion. I told her that I was working on it but I didn't really give it any thought.

When she dropped me off at home after work, I turned and stared at her.


"What's with the creepy guy you were with the other night?"

"Really Mals? After an entire week you would just bring that up now?"

"I now remember."

She rolled her eyes and looked outside. "Ricardo is... just a friend. Nothing else."

"Did you see how he stared at me? Is he always like that?"

"Stared at you how?"

"Nothing... Nevermind. Forget I said anything."


"I have to go to the beach now." The door jammed when I pushed it open. I tried again with my shoulders but it didn't budge.

I turned to Anya and she wore a ridiculous smile on her face.

"Anya! Open the door!"

She snickered. "Open it yourself."

"I'm really disliking you right now."

She leaned over and flipped the switch on the door. "There!"

I opened it and hopped out quickly.

"When you go to the beach, I hope you see Rion!" she shouted as I walked up my doorsteps.

I flipped her the bird and she cackled like a hyena as she drove off.

I shook my head and went inside. She's too crazy for me. I got ready for the beach and promptly left to catch the bus. Inside the bus was a bit more full than usual. I wonder where everyone is going?

When the driver met my stop, I held on to the railing and stepped off the bus, adjusting my sunglasses. The vendors inside the facility were closing their shops, which meant I had the beach all to myself. No amount of interruption, nothing. I stepped down the flight of stairs, looking for my favorite spot. At least the beach was calm...

Opening my blanket, I covered the area of sand and flopped down, lapping my outstretched legs. The sun peered at me, its dim light getting ready for rest. As the sea ebbed and flow in calm, rhythmic movements, Anya's suggestion crossed my mind. It did look calming...

I took a deep breath. Okay Mals... Today is the day. Just go towards the water and dip your feet. It's easy!

I stood, dusting the nonexistent sand on my hands. Ok, maybe I was stalling, but I had a good enough reason. I exhaled and stepped forward. "Nope! Not today. Maybe tomorrow." Just making that snall step made my heart flutter. Besides, people were getting out the water, what fun would that be. I couldn't be in there alone. Who would save me if something happened?

I crawled onto the blanket and laid there. When the sun finally set, and the sand flies came in one by one,  I bundled my blanket and stuffed it in my bag. I made my way up the steps and stomped on the concrete to remove any excess sand. When I glanced at my watch it was already 6:20p.m. Shit!

I gripped my bag and ran out the compound and onto the pavement. I didn't want to miss the 6:30p.m bus. My breaths shallowed as I neared the shed. Hopefully I made it in time.

Twenty minutes passed and the bus hadn't arrived. The fear of missing it crept into my thoughts but I shoved in away. An elderly man sat under the shed staring into space. I wanted to ask him if the bus had arrived, but I didn't trust myself. He didn't look friendly at all.

I opened my mouth and then shut it, figuring I should wait a few more minutes before I asked. Five minutes later and no bus in sight, a black Mitsubishi Lancer pulled up in front of me.

 Five minutes later and no bus in sight, a black Mitsubishi Lancer pulled up in front of me

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I peered at the elderly man to see if it was his ride, but he still looked lost. I waved until I caught his attention and then motioned him to the car, but he shrugged. I stepped back, retreating closer to the shed so I could give the car some space for whoever it stopped for. Then it reversed and aligned itself with me. What the hell!

I moved up and away from the car's view but it reversed again. My heart raced. Who was it? I didn't know anyone with a black car! I stepped back into the shed with the man. The car's windows were heavily tinted making it near impossible to see who it was. Nothing creeped me out more than this. Then the front passenger window slowly went down.

"Hi darling, going home?"

I bent over, hearing a familiar voice, and looked in the car. I still couldn't see, so I took a step closer. My skin flushed with goosebumps the moment I saw Ricardo in the driver's seat.


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