Chapter Forty Two

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I wiggled and squirmed as Ricardo held my mouth firmly with his mucky hand. Nothing was more churning than tasting the actual dirt and oil on my lips.

Rion made slow and steady steps towards Ricardo holding the cricket bat in the air, as if he awaited a ball.

Ricardo chuckled sickly as he still tightly gripped my mouth, "What do you really think you're gonna do with that?" He smiled. "Huh, Mr Bowles?"

Rion stumbled a bit in his footsteps to the sound of his name rolling off the stranger's mouth.

"What's the matter? Chicken now? I know who you are Mr Bowles. Or should I call you Rion like how this fetching young lady calls you?"

"Mmm!!" I grumbled under his hand. Ricardo was goading him. He needed to focus.

"Have you tasted her as yet? I did... and she sure tastes nice... A rare jewel I must say." He licked his lips.

Rion clenched his jaw. A vein at the top of his forehead was ticking. Oh, God. It was working because he stalked a bit closer clutching the handle of the bat tighter.

"I'm guessing you haven't... tsk tsk tsk. He clicked his tongue again. "Too bad." He made a sad face, "She would make such a great lay in be--"

"Ahhhh!!!" Rion charged forward towards him swinging his bat aimlessly and missed.

I winced at the sight of Ricardo slamming his fists into Rion's stomach...

"He's got a knife!!" I yelled, happy that he was no longer cupping my mouth.

Rion dropped the bat and swung his fists towards him but missed again. Oh dear lord... Nothing was working to get this mad man out of here. There was a small trophy by the tv. It was just for me to get it and throw it at him, but my hands...

Rion landed his first blow to Ricardo's face spilling blood almost immediately. Yes! But it wasn't enough. That bastard was still at it. I watched as they tumbled and collided into every furniture I had, breaking a plate I had on the dining table.

Most of the time Rion had the upper hand; he kicked, punched and slammed Ricardo into the wall. My apartment shook as they both wrestled tirelessly.

When Ricardo felt that he probably had too much, he pulled the knife from his back pocket.

"A knife! A knife!" I shouted. I was trying my best to free myself from the stupid duct tape but it was too strong. Whoever made it, really didn't think about potential victims.

Rion dodged the swipe of the knife but missed the second as it sliced his arm.

"Arg!!" He groaned in agony.

The sound of the blade cutting into his skin was gut-wrenching. There was blood spilling onto the floor. His blood. I bit back a scream as Ricardo rammed the knife in Rion's stomach-- not once, not twice but three times!!

"Noo!!!" I ran towards Ricardo and kicked him to make him stop, but he shoved me to the floor.

"You stupid slut!" He roared.

Ricardo hovered over me like I was his next victim. Rion's blood dripped from the knife in his hand. Everything seemed like a horror movie. He glanced shortly at it before flinging it away. His eyes were feral. Like a wolf ready for its meal.

He pinned me down as I fought in his arms. "No!!" I shouted.

"If I can't get what I want... I might as well..." He licked his dry lips.

"No! You sick son of a bitch! Let me go!!" I thrashed.

His wet bloody fingers squeezed my right thigh. I wasn't going to give up. Rion wasn't going to die in vain. Tears soaked my eyes as I watched his lifeless body on the floor covered with stab wounds.

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