Chapter Thirty Six

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In an instant, Rion's arms covered my body. He hugged me. Held me. I was cocooned in his arms as my body trembled to my worst nightmares.

"Listen to my voice, Maliah... Breathe. I got you. I got you."

And I did. I did listen to him. I listened to his voice and his gentle heart beat thrumming against my ear. There was always something about him that made me feel safe, but this was just business. As soon as I regained my composure, I pushed off against him.

"This isn't right..." I said treading out of the water, splashing every now and again.

"What isn't?"

Although my back was turned against him, I knew he was following me.

"Everything!" I shouted.

"What is everything?" Rion made his way in front of me and blocked my path from walking further onto the sand.

Although the sun wasn't in its full glory at such an early hour in the day, his body shimmered from the water that beaded on his skin. "Nothing... forget it."

"Is it because I'm pushing you too much?" He asked, desperate to find an answer.

Every step I made to maneuver around him, he blocked it with his body. "Move!" I pushed.

"What is it?"

"I said nothing. I need to get my towel."

"But we aren't finish. We just met here."

"Can't you see that I've failed for today? I thought when this happens we are done for the day."

"Normally... but..."

"But what?" I stopped fidgeting and looked up at him.

Rion scratched the back of his neck and glanced beyond me. He was staring at the water but his face looked distant. Like if he was thinking about something.

"But what?" I repeated.

Rion refocused his attention on me and smirked. Well it was more of an evil grin. "If you could successfully swim in the water, I'll tell you."

What? "What?" I said out loud.

He shrugged, "If you are able to enter the water and swim without ever having problems, then I'll tell you why I wanted to continue for today."

I sucked my teeth and shoved him from my path, "You're stupid. Move."

I made my way over to my blanket and dug in my bag for my purple towel. By the time I was able to use it, majority of the sea water had dried on me. I patted my face and looked over my shoulder to see Rion back into the water. He was making back strokes parallel to the shore. Show off...

Determined to meet my goal for today, I shoved the doubts and anxiety aside and flung the towel on my bag. I trudged through the sand until the water met my ankles. Rion surfaced from underneath the water and peered at me. Apparently I caught his attention. He didn't move from where he was, he just treaded the water allowing it to cover him from the neck downwards.

I was glad I caught his attention. He would see that I was capable of meeting his goals. I made two steps further into the cold water and stopped when it met mid calf. I sucked in a breath just thinking about making another step.

"Let it go!"

I looked up from my daring gaze at the water. "Let what go?" I shouted.

"Whatever it is that you are holding on to. Guilt. Regret. Fear. Whatever it is, just let it go."

"I'm not holding on to anything." I took a step back. I wasn't going to argue with him while I was close to my boundary.

"Yes... You believe that you were the reason for your brother's death. You fear that living your life without him will haunt you." Rion drew closer to where I was standing and knelt in the water.

Here we go again... Sigh. "You don't know anything. Shut up!" I gritted my teeth. He knew how to struck a nerve.

"Then step into the water."

I took a step back and fold my arms. He wasn't going to goad me.

"Maliah..." he warned.

"Leave me alone. You think you know every thing like a damn psychologist."

"I know that you are holding back and afraid to live your life because you are afraid that he will punish you."

I clenched my jaw, "Since you know everything. Then why didn't you know when your daughter was choking!" I shouted.

From the moment it left my mouth I regretted saying it. Shit! I watched as Rion's eyes darkened immediately.

"That... Was a low blow Maliah." 

"I... I... I'm sorry I didn't me--"

"Forget it, it was already said." He waved, cutting me off.

My eyes trailed him as he got up from the water and walked out. He was heading straight towards his towel. How could I be so stupid? He told me about his daughter with trust and I used it back against him. He just got me so irritated. Rion wrapped his towel around his neck and walked off towards the exit. I, on the other hand, was still standing in the water. He left me here. He just left me here.

I hurried to my blanket and scooped everything (including sand) in one move. "Wait!" I shouted, although I was positive he couldn't hear me. He was probably in his van waiting.

I made it out to the car park and pulled the passenger door to his van. It didn't budge. Actually it was locked! "Rion!!" I knocked on the window. "Open the door!"

He pointed his thumb to the back of the van. "What?" I asked, clueless to what he meant.

Rion bent over to my side and winded the glass down. "Get into the tray. The tray is for you."

I chuckled, "What?" But then I realized his face was serious. "Are you serious?"

"Yes. You don't deserve to ride in here with me."

My face changed from neutral to disgust. "You know what... I rather walk." I turned on my heels holding my items dear to my heart and walked off with my chin held high. 

"Fine!" He shouted. 

I walked a few good steps only to see Rion zooming pass me. I couldn't believe he left me here! I had a few good words for him. I walked five minutes until I met the junction. The road was dead. It hardly had cars passing by for me to stop. Worst of all, I forgot my purse at home. How on earth was I going to get home?

That bastard! This would be the first and the last. There's no chance I was going anywhere with him again. He acted like a child. I just made a simple mistake and he took it to heart. I huffed a breath and stood still on the pavement. The blanket and my bag were getting rather heavy. Another five minutes had passed and I was still hopeless. Then I spotted Rion's van make a U-turn in the road. He pulled up directly in front of me and pushed the passenger door open.

"Hop in."

"I'm not going anywhere with you. You're an asshole!"

"Says the one who just told me off about my deceased daughter..."

I opened my mouth to say something and then shut it. He was right, but I wouldn't let him see that. 

"Now, get in."

I grumbled incoherent words under my breath and hopped in. I didn't say anything throughout the ride. I kept as close as possible to the door and as soon as he met my gap, I hopped out and slammed the door.

"Same time tomorrow?!" Rion shouted as I unlocked my apartment door.

I flipped him the bird and entered my apartment without looking back.

**To be Continued** 

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