Chapter Fourteen

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"Dad?" I sat up, thumbing the volume on my phone.

The phone clicked and went blank. What the hell?

I flopped back on the bed and exhaled. I couldn't do it anymore. I just couldn't. My parents were acting like children and it was as if I were the only adult. What on earth could she possibly do to make him drink again?

I didn't call back. Let them figure their own problems out. I was tired of being their referee. Plus, I didn't need any added stress before sleep. Knowing how they were, I would be up all night, pulling my hair out.



I shot upright, my forehead dripping in sweat. Visions of Malik fighting to keep above the water surfaced again, this time with his body swollen and ready to burst. I wiped my tears, not sure if it was actually that or sweat. God, I needed to calm down. The only reason I kept dreaming about him was because of the anniversary of his death. It always happened every year but this year seemed to be the worst, lasting way longer than expect.

I glanced at my shaky hands. Why? Why still? Was it dad, mom? Ricardo? I shuddered at the last name. Whatever it was, I needed to get a handle on it. I just had to figure out how.

Friday was filing day so I had work up my throat. We had new clients all week and Anya had her hands tied with information gathering. She was so busy that she didn't find the chance to ask me about the beach or why I had called. Thank God.

I left work an hour earlier, telling Anya I had a personal errand to deal with. I caught a car and went to my parent's home to find out what was happening. An entire week had passed since my dad's ordeal over the phone. I didn't get a respond when I knocked so I used my spare key and pushed the door.

"Mom? Dad? It's Mals." I placed my bag on the nearby table and walked through the living room.

The place was eerily quiet and it was not normal that mom or dad would still be out this hour. I stepped through the kitchen and a pot was boiling. It had over-flown and most of the water had dried up.

What the crazy! I quickly turned it off and left the kitchen. I had no idea why mom would attempt to cook and then left the pot unattended. My heart started to race as I thought about the worse things that could have happened.

I quickened my steps and checked the bedroom downstairs and it came up empty. No!

"Mom!! Dad!!!" I shouted again.

I became hysterical and ran up the steps fearing the worst. The moment I met at the top, a distressed sound came from her bedroom.

I darted towards the bedroom and pushed the door.


I shielded my eyes immediately when I saw my parents having sex. Ugh!! I rushed out of the room like I saw a ghost and didn't wait for a response.

I sat at the dining table and rubbed my temples while I tried to comprehend what had occurred. I didn't know how to feel about it. I was confused and shook to experience a moment like that in my adult life.

"How?" I whispered to myself. Didn't dad sound drunk the other night? How did mom even... My thoughts trailed as they both appeared in front of me with looks of regret on their faces.

"Maliah..." My mom was out of words.

"You all don't have to explain anything." I held my palm up. "I'm just glad that nothing bad had happened."

My mind was still reeling from earlier images of them. Ugh!

"That's the thing. It was something bad that happened. This was a mistake." Mom said pulling her robe closer.

"What?" I looked over to dad and he had a blank expression. I couldn't see what he was thinking. "Dad?" I asked.

He scratched his head, "Well I..."

"It was a terrible mistake and it won't happen again." Mom interjected.

I shook my head and stood up. "It seems like I interrupted something. I was just checking in on dad from last night, but I can see he's fine." I hurried over to the other table and took up my bag.

"Where are you going? Stay for dinner. We haven't seen you since." Mom begged.

I stared at the door and sighed heavily. I returned my bag to the table and took a seat on the couch. I turned on the tv and peered at it mindlessly.

"Maliah... I'm sorry about last night." Dad took a seat next to me.

"Were you drunk?" I asked outright with a hint of anger in my voice.

"Yes and no."


"Your mom poured alcohol in my tea without my knowing and then left the bottle out."

"What?" He wasn't making sense. "Are you saying that mom is feeding your habit?"

"Yes and no." He rubbed his neck in frustration. "She did it but it was my fault that I drank the bottle."

My anger boiled and I stormed off into the kitchen where she was. "Mom! You've been giving dad alcohol? Are you crazy?"

"Watch your tone with me, Mals."

"I don't have to do anything! You're sick! You are making him worse. I don't know what games you are playing but you need to stop. You will kill everyone around you," I shouted.

My face burned with contact of her hand across my cheek. I didn't expect the slap I received. The deafening silence that followed zoned me out of the heated argument sparked between my parents.

I touched my cheek and slowly backed away. Did she just slap me? I definitely didn't come here for this. I scampered towards the table where my bag laid, grabbed it and bolted out the door. I walked quickly towards the main road and stopped at a lamp post to catch my breath. Tears fell onto my cheek as the remnants of the slap lingered.

Then my phone vibrated loud in my bag and I dug deep for it. It displayed private number on the screen but I answered it anyway.


"Hi beautiful."

"Who's this?" I asked.

"Relax... It's me."

Chills ran through my body as I recognized the eerie, dark voice.

"How did you get my number?"


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