Chapter Sixteen

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I waited until it was some minutes to eight in the morning to call Mr Blackmon and tell him that I won't be able to come in due to an emergency. My non-sleeping habit was considered an emergency for me. I didn't think I would have functioned in work today.

When it was nine o'clock, I made some tea and a sandwich. I wanted to be on the beach by 11:30 for the latest. I sipped on my tea and decided to call Anya and let her know that I won't be coming in. She didn't answer of course. I sucked my teeth and finished up.

Where the heck could she be? Was something wrong? I shook the thoughts out of my head and threw the wares into the sink. I left them there and went to get ready.

After my long shower, I got dressed in a red one-suit bikini and threw on a dress over it. I slipped on my sandals and packed my hand bag. Where's my shades? I searched high and low and couldn't find them. I didn't have time to look any more because it was already after eleven and I needed to catch the bus.

I hung my bag over my shoulder, grabbed my phone and bolted through the door.

"Ms Moore!!! Maliah!"

A familiar voice called as I stepped into the road. Ugh! Ms Flint!

I turned around and she was taking the last three steps down her stairs.

"Yes Ms Flint?" I said politely.

"I'm so glad I caught you in the right time. I was going to take some pills but it slipped out of my hand and rolled under my fridge. I can't get it out no matter how hard I tried."

I looked at the time on my watch. "I was really on my way out."

"Please, I really need to take those pills; I'm on a schedule."

I looked at my watch again. It was five minutes till the bus arrived. "What about Rion?" I asked trying to find other ways.

"Oh heavens! He's at work."

Maybe I could do it quick and come back. It should take a minute. "Alright."

I followed her up the stairs and placed my bag on her couch. I walked over to the fridge and bent over to see if the pill bottle was there. It was wedged in a corner underneath.

"Did you try poking it with the broom stick?" I asked.

"Yes, yes I did all that. Nothing seems to work."

I took the broom and tried it myself. The bottle was too far underneath. Ugh! We both pulled the fridge from its spot and I tried to feel for the bottle. If my hand was a little bit smaller I would have gotten it. I was getting frustrated.

After twenty minutes, I figured that I would have to lift the fridge for her to get it. With much struggle and strain, I slightly lifted the fridge and Ms Flint grabbed the bottle.

"Oh goodness! Thank you so much dear heart. You're a lifesaver."

I was out of breath and my arms ached from straining. This is also why I avoided people.

"For your helpfulness, you can pay half of next month's rent."

My eyes widened in shock. "What? Are you sure?"

"Yes. You've done a lot today. It's no problem." She waved her hand in dismissal.


"Now, don't let me keep you."

I had forgotten about my bus ride. It was 11:52 on my watch. Shit! I was late and had to wait on the other. I took up my bag, waved Ms Flint goodbye and walked down the steps.

I still couldn't believe she gave me half off next months rent. I was definitely going to shop with the extra cash. I walked towards the main road and stood under the bus shed. I had a long wait until the other bus.

When it was 12:34p.m the bus rounded the corner and stopped in front of me. I hopped in and took my seat in the back. I arrived at my stop in ten minutes. The facility was empty as usual. I made my way down the stairs and unto the sand.

"Excuse me sir?" I called out to a guy.

"Yes beautiful, yuh want a chair today?"

"Yes thanks."

"Only the best for you. No reef today?"

"No sir. Just relaxation."

"Aight. Link me if you want to go on the reef."


I paid the guy and he laid the chair and the umbrella for me.

"Enjoy yuhself darling." He walked away.

I made myself cozy on the chair and stared at the calm water. There was only a woman in it bathing. The sun was shaded by some clouds that looked grey. I really hope rain doesn't fall. I laid my head back on the chair and rested my eyes. The absence of my shades made it difficult to look pretty sleeping.

I took brief naps waking every now and again to ensure that I was in a good spot. I didn't want anyone to trouble me.

My phone vibrated with a message and I took it out and read it.

Mom @1:44p.m
Hey Mals, haven't heard from you since Friday. Sorry for hitting you. Please don't be angry.

I sucked my teeth and stuffed the phone back into my bag. I knew she only messaged because today was Monday and she expected to see me today. I wasn't going anywhere near her and dad in a hurry.

I stared at the water again and remembered Anya's suggestion. I wondered if I could really make the step towards the water. I sat there for fifteen minutes contemplating.

I looked across from where I was sitting and noticed that some of the reef boats were returning. They often left at 11:00.m 2:00p.m, however they were returning late. I refocused my attention on the water and considered entering it.

My mind tried to diffuse any thoughts about Malik and made it seem easier the long I sat there thinking about it.

I placed my purse behind my back on the chair and got up. I flipped the dress off in one swift move and walked towards the shore.

My mind said to keep moving but my legs had stopped. I only made seven steps before my legs froze on my. My heart beats were quickened and sweat beaded on my forehead. Come on Mals. Three more steps. My breaths were now noticeable as I took one small stem. My chest rose an fall like a panic attack.

I closed my eyes shot and tightened them. I didn't want to see what I was doing. I wiped my forehead and took another step with gritted teeth.

"Come on Mals! A few more steps!" I said under my breath.

My eyes were still closed and my breaths were heavy. I tried to lift my left foot forward but it didn't move.

"Ms Moore? Are you okay?"

The voice sounded too familiar.


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