Chapter Thirty Five

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I'd been sitting on the floor behind my door for over an hour feeling like crap. Why on earth did I care so much about what he thought about the kiss? I didn't even like him anyway. Maybe it was the mere fact that he stole my first kiss and said it didn't mean anything.

I needed to get up off this stupid floor. I needed to focus on moving forward with my life. I needed to get over my fear of the water and learn to finally cope with Malik's lost. I wouldn't get far if I sat on the floor and mope all day about him. He was nothing to me in the beginning and would never be anything in the end.

I pushed my body off the floor and willed my legs to stand upright. My face was sticky from the salty, useless tears I cried for him. I made my way slowly towards my bathroom sink and slapped the tap water over my cheeks and forehead. Taking a deep breath, I peered mindlessly at my unruly hair in the mirror.

"Focus. Just focus. Let him help me and get over with it." I said as I brushed my hair into a neat bun.

After a short bath and getting ready in a one piece black swimsuit, I sat on the couch and twiddled my thumbs over Rion's name in my call log. I bit my cheek and swiped call.

 I bit my cheek and swiped call

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"Hey Maliah... what's up?"

"I'm ready to start back." I said in a crisp business-like voice.

"Really? Uh... ok. When?"


Silence. At first I thought he'd hung up but then...

"Oh. Well I'll be there shortly."

Almost ten minutes later I heard the heavy rumble of his van outside. I didn't wait until he came knocking, I just swung the beach bag over my shoulder and bolted through the door towards his idling van.

"That was fast. Were you looking out for me?" He smirked.

"No. I have keen ears. Now lets go. You're wasting time."

Rion jerked his head back at my clipped tone and answers. Maybe he thought we were friends or something but I wasn't any. This was a business transaction and he was my teacher that's all.

Two weeks had passed and I was making progress. Though it was small, it seemed like a big deal to me. I was able to walk to the shoreline without any assistance. When we arrived at the beach the day he told me that our kiss meant nothing, I made it clear to Rion that the lessons were all business. I even offered to pay him but he refused. I told him that he couldn't touch me in my personal space or where I deemed as personal. At first he was a bit apprehensive but he worked his way around it.

I couldn't allow him to touch me on my stomach and make contact against my body with his own. That was a negative. We practiced every other day on early mornings before work hours. At times I was too tired to stay awake after lunch. Anya of course questioned it but I brushed it off.

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