Chapter Forty Seven

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Court was exhausting by itself. Lucky for me-- lucky for us (Rion and I), Ricardo pleaded guilty on the charges laid against him. He was going down. Finally! No-one knew how relieved I was. It felt like a weight lifted off my chest.

"Are you sure? Isn't it going to hurt?"

"No... For the tenth time. Just pull it off. Not hard though."

"I...I can't." The patches were stuck to his body with tape. The doctors told him that he could take it off after three weeks. My hands trembled as I tugged on the edge of the clear tape.

"It's not much a big deal Mals. I'm barely feeling pain. Actually, it feels like I'm healed."

"Oh.. Ok. Well if you say so." Rion was lying on my couch bareback with his boxers on. He had spent the night on my couch when the rain came heavy just when he was about to go home. I didn't mind. I always welcomed the company since I moved back into my apartment. It was weird and creepy. At times I had nightmares about Ricardo being released from prison with the intention of finishing his job with me.

I placed my free hand on his bare stomach and tugged on the tape until it met halfway, revealing one of his wounds. It looked like it was really deep. Crap! But at least it was healed-- well not entirely but it had scabbed over. It was a bit darker than his complexion. I peered up to meet his eyes and he looked fine. Thank God. So far, so good.

I pulled on the remaining tape and...


" What? What!?" I flew off of him stumbling back until I bumped into the coffee table. My heart raced as his face grimaced in pain. I was mortified. I had opened back his wound, "Oh God!" I whelped.

Then Rion's face morphed into a beaming smile and then he roared in laughter.

"You old Buffoon!!" I grabbed one of the couch pillows and flung it at him. "That was so not funny!"

"Maliah... Lighten up. I already told you that I wasn't feeling anything."

"Argh!!!" I punched him repeatedly on his arms.

"Maliah! Stop!"

But I didn't; I just kept punching him for playing me like that. Before I could land another blow to his arm, he held on to my wrist-- yanking me towards him for a kiss. "Mmm hmmph!!" I muffled as I tried to pull away stubbornly, but he held me firm until I melted underneath him.

I wanted to climb over him but I knew it would hurt for sure. Instead, I just opted to kneel beside him and savor every taste of his lips. He was greedy and I loved it.

"Ugh!" Rion groaned as his phone vibrated in his pants.

"Let...It... Ring." I said between our kisses. How could I let go of his heavenly kisses when I was already damned to hell.

But he pulled away, wincing as he retrieved the phone from his back pockets. It was Simone. Her name flashed across the screen before he placed it at his ear. That wretch...

"Hey... Sup?"

"You're where?" Rion sighed. "You can't just show up at my place like that Simone."

"I know.. but..." He frustratingly dragged his hands over his face, " Alright. I'm coming." He hung up.

What the... "What's her problem?" I asked, venom in my eyes.

Rion exhaled a deep breath and sat upright on the couch. "She needs a ride over to her mother's house."

"That's what she's calling you for?"

"Not now Mals..."

"I really don't understand this. So how did she get to your apartment?"

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