Chapter Twenty Eight

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Without a second thought, my hand pushed the door back close. Not in the very mood to see anyone, especially him. But the door was jammed by Rion's left foot.

"Not so fast, young lady."

"Move yo darm foot!" My arms trembled as I forcefully tried to close the door with his foot wedged in it.

I kicked his big hoof repeatedly until my little toe cracked. "Ow!!!" I jumped cuddling my right foot in my hands. No no no!

Rion busted through the door and held my arm. "Are you ok?" You seem hurt." There was a cross between concern and sarcasm in his voice.

"Don't touch me you oaf!" I slapped his dry hands away. It was his fault in the first place. I should have been in my bed finishing off whatever dream I was dreaming. Now I have to nurse a sprained toe.

"How am I an oaf? Let me see."

"Move!" I hopped towards my couch wincing for every step. "It's your fault! Get out!"

"How is it my fault and you're the one that was kicking me like a maniac." Rion followed and took a seat beside me. He watched as I knead my foot continuously.

"If you hadn't shown up unannounced and wedged your big foot in my door, it wouldn't have happened." I winced again as my hand touched the burning area. "I mean who wears steel tip boots when they are going to the beach?"

"It's what I had in the van. Now let me see your foot!"

"Really? So you don't own a flip flop?" I scooted away from him a bit. But he shifted too.

"I suspect you would try to kick me out. So I came prepared." He grinned.

At that moment, I wished I could slap the stupid smug off his face. Here I was in pain, and he found the meanest way to make it funny. I slowly rose from the couch grimacing and hopped over to my room.

"Where are you going?" He asked swinging his body to follow where I was hopping to.

"Back to bed. You could do what you want." I hopped another step, "You know what, don't do what you want, you need to go."

If I gave him the option, he would stay the entire day in my apartment doing lord knows what. I turned on the heel of my left foot and attempted to go towards the door. I some what lost my balance after the third hop and was heading face first to the floor until Rion swooped me up in his arms.

"Put me down you buffoon!!" I pounded his chest. He carried me back to the couch ignoring my blatant outcry. I swore I felt him cupped my butt when he laid me down. I glared at him.

"Let me see your foot!" He pulled it over his lap and inspected my pink manicured toes. He squeezed my middle toe and then my...

"Ouch!!" My foot flew up in the air almost kicking him in the jaw.

"Wow... are you trying to burst my lip?"

If I could stand right now, I would have done everything in my power to kick him out. "More like your face! Get out!" I shouted.

"Your toe is fine. Just sprained. You'll be fine within the half hour and walking in the next few minutes. You're such a big baby."

I mocked him, screwing my face. "Big baby... Get out. I need to recuperate."

"We are going to the beach now. So I'll give you some time to get ready."

"It's Saturday, and I don't do beaches on these days. I can't..." I trailed off. Was it even worth it telling him my weaknesses?

"You promised that you would do it."

"Yeah! But not when bats are still out!"

He chuckled. "The beach is really calm at this time. Noone will be there too. So we will have full focus."

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