Im sired to Klaus

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I open my eyes and look around the room and notice I'm in Klaus's room I see his arm still wrapped around me I eventually get his strong arm away from around me with out waking him up and I hop up out of the bed and go straight for his closet where he has his clothes and I pick his white button up shirt and I grab some new underwear and head to the bathroom and shower after I'm done I put the underwear on then I button the shirt half way so you can see cleavage.

I then brush my teeth and comb my hair once I'm done I hear my name being called by Klaus.

Klaus: Angel?

I step out of the bathroom and smile at him and his eyes roam over my body smiling back up at me I walk over to the bed.

I smile: Hey.

Klaus: Hey.

I jump into bed right beside himself

Klaus: Thought you might've left.

Angel: Well I should leave but I wanted to see you first.

Klaus and I kiss each other and pull away he's now playing with my hair.

He has this look on his face that I'm curious about.

Angel: Why the face.

Klaus: What face?

He smiles.

Angel: That face.

Klaus: I'm happy for the first time in a long time love.

He smiles again and I do too We then kiss each other again I roll on top of him and lifts his chin up with my finger as we continue to kiss.

We have a very heated make out session and eventually we have a quickie. After that I'm laying on my left side and his hands are tracing circles into my back side and shoulders and then he stops.

I look over my shoulder: Why you stop.

Klaus looks up from my shoulder to my eyes.

Klaus: This birthmark I've seen it before years ago on a woman I was with at the time.

I give him a look: Okay I'm pretty sure she's dead but who has this birthmark.

Klaus seems like he's thinking about it: Just forget about it I'll tell you later.

I glare: If it's on someone else I need to know tell me.

Klaus: Just forget about it for right now just for me I need to know if it's true or not.

I sigh and nod then I remember I have school and I hop up fast vamp speed to my room and pick out an outfit and put it on in a hurry.

Klaus walls down the hall butt naked: Where you going.

I close my eyes: If you don't put any clothes on I swe-

Klaus smirks: You swear what.

I shake my head: I need to go to school the girls probably thinks somethings up.

Klaus frowns: Your not gonna tell them.

I shake my head: Hearing criticism from Caroline Forbes no thank you and Elena definitely no thanks and Bonnie hell no.

Klaus: I'll take you to school.

I smile: Okay, but first tell me how I look.

I do a little spin for him and he vamp speeds in front of me grabs my ha d and spins me and I spin back to him and we kiss and I pull away.

Klaus smiles: Beautiful as always.

I blush: Thank you.

He turns around and vamp speeds to the room I hear the water running indicating he's about to shower. 15 min he's dressed with his car keys in hand.

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