ichi (1)

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AN: I just want to say that the rude words that are said by Sasuke's character are in no way what I believe, or the truth. I think highly of hospitals and the people in them - this was my way of describing what kind of character sasuke comes off as so I'm sorry if this offends. Anyways, welcome back to yet another SasuNaru story 💖 I hope you enjoy


Uchiha Sasuke hated hospitals, more than anything in the world. Being a healthy boy, he didn't think much of the pathetic people behind those walls. They were all weak, wallowing in self pity, never having to think of the outside world, never having to make it there. He hated the fact that in the next five minutes he would be entering one.

Apparently his teacher Kakashi thought that he needed a major attitude change. He didn't approve of the fights Sasuke had been getting into at school and nor did he like the fact that Sasuke felt no remorse for the people he had injured. He had informed Sasuke that if he didn't take up community service at Konoha hospital's handicap ward, then he'd fail his class. And Kakashi's class was math, the one class his parents expected him to get top grades in.

At first Sasuke had refused, but then Kakashi had called his parents and convinced them as well. Especially Sasuke's mother who was bothered about his lack of friends. So Sasuke was stuck with spending two hours a day with some pathetic disabled person instead of studying or listening to metal.

He made his way towards the reception, glaring at all the young volunteers and nurses who looked his way. He wasn't interested in anyone. People were bothersome and he didn't want anything to do with them. He asked for Dr. Tsunade, and then made his way up to see if he could find her. at last he found the door he was searching for and almost collided with a buxom blonde.

She looked at him puzzled at first and then smiled. "You must be Uchiha Sasuke. Kakashi told me all about you. Nice to meet you."

"Hn." Sasuke grunted. He really didn't want to be here. Her smile slipped a little and she looked like she was trying to keep back a bit of annoyance. She smiled again, thought it looked really fake.

"Well, Sasuke, I'm a little busy today. So all I want you to do is get to know the patient you are going to be working with. Just make sure he takes his medication and stuff ok? Just go meet the head nurse Shizune; she'll be right around the corner. She'll let you meet the patient ok? Bye then." Tsunade bustled away.

Sasuke glared at her retreating back. He'd had to meet a hundred people just for community service. He walked around the corner and saw a woman ordering half a dozen other people around. He walked up to her and introduced himself. "I'm Uchiha Sasuke. Dr Tsunade told me to see about the patient I'm working with." He felt Shizune look him over and got the feeling that she didn't like him much.

Shizune decided she didn't like the kid. He was just like all those others she'd seen, people who just came here because they were forced too and didn't really care about anyone. It was irritating and could hurt the patient as well. None the less she smiled a small, not too friendly smile as she briefed him.

"You'll be working with Uzumaki Naruto. He's about your age. He got into a car crash eight months back and has paraplegia, meaning he's paralyzed from waist down. It's not a very severe case, it means he's still got some feeling left, but we don't know when he'll walk, or how long it will take him to get better. So please be nice." Shizune emphasized the word and led him to the ward. Then she whispered. "If you hurt him Uchiha, I'll kill you."

Sasuke was a bit taken aback by the last statement. But what the hell, it wouldn't be so bad. Maybe he could just not say anything and time would pass. He saw a lump on the bed. Shizune prodded the lump.

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