shichi (7)

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"Dad, we're going to be late! I'm their star player, I can't be late!" I yelled into my father's ear. I hadn't bothered with putting on my seatbelt; I wanted to be ready to jump out of the car so I could rush straight to the locker rooms.

Dad laughed "All right, ebi (shrimp), I'll get you there on time!"

Mom smiled too. "Sweetheart, get your seatbelt on...and don't worry, you know Dad'll do anything for you!"

I smiled back at her. Yeah...I was always proud of the fact that I was dad's favorite son. Not that I didn't love Aniki, but dad was my universe. We had done everything together, dad and I. He was the one who comforted me when Kyuubi nii-chan had left.

So I listened to mom and sat back just a bit, still not bothering about the seat belt. We sped along merrily and every time dad stopped for the light, I squirmed and frowned...muttering darkly about not being on time.

I looked up as yet another light turned red and raised my eyebrow when dad didn't stop. He looked at me from his mirror and smiled. He didn't see the car coming head on, when he did it was too late. I heard my mom scream...the car hit us hard. The car jerked hard and I suddenly felt pain as I smashed through the glass. After I passed the glass I felt weightless, like I was floating until, gravity yanked me back to my senses as I hit the ground. Mind numbing pain shot through my back, before it went numb.

I squinted trying to see, what had happened...the sight got engraved in my memory...the car on he passenger side was completely crushed, my mom was slumped over with blood pouring everywhere, I couldn't see my dad. But my mom...she was pale...really pale, my brain tried to process these facts, as I started screaming myself raw..."

The night was cool, a light breeze flowing throw the trees made the leaves whisper silently. The silence was comforting, only the small whimpers of a puppy having a good dream interrupted it. The dark haired boy in the bed nuzzled closer to another blond one. The big grandfather clock downstairs ticked, its ticks echoing through the house.

The blanket like calm was shattered by a loud scream. Fugaku and Mikoto sat up in shock...Itachi ran out of his room. Sasuke jumped and then turned to look at the blond, who was suddenly screaming himself hoarse. Sasuke panted slightly and then tried to wake the blond.

"Naruto...wake up! Naruto!" he shook the blond slightly panicked. By this time the rest of the family had barged into his room. Mikoto ran up to the screaming boy, and gathered him up into her arms.

"Naruto, its ok. Wake up dear..." she said in a calm but firm voice. The screams slowly receded, turning into small whimpers. Chocolate had run into Sasuke's lap, giving small whines, with his tail between his legs.

Naruto opened frightened, but sleepy glazed blue eyes slowly, looking from one face to another. Then he buried his face into Mikoto's shoulder, sobbing. Mikoto shushed him, and cuddled him, holding him close, crooning.

Sasuke made out the muffled words "it was my fault..." being repeated over and over again. His mother was rubbing soothing circles onto Naruto's back, rocking him a little. It took about half an hour, and then the blond calmed down a little.

He turned to look at Sasuke, his face scrunched up and tear stained. He held his arm out and wiggled his fingers. "Sasuke..."

Sasuke moved forward gently and hugged the blond, taking him out of his mother's arms slowly and then laying him down before rearranging the bed covers. He forgot about his parents and brother, at the sight of those scared blue eyes. He stroked the blond's head softly.

"'ll be fine ok? It wasn't your fault. It was just a bad dream...tell you what," Sasuke slipped out of bed, though the blond began to whimper. He rummaged in his desk and then pulled something out and came back to bed.

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