jū ichi (11)

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They rushed to the hospital. Kyuubi was already there, they had informed him and he'd called Naruto instantly. The doctors showed them how Arashi's fingers moved when they pinched them. Naruto had no idea how to react; he sat by his father whenever visiting hours were on. Either Gaara or Sasuke drove him to the hospital. Naruto prayed that his father would wake up...he wanted to be he first person his father saw.

But a few days had passed and nothing had happened. Naruto still continued to go despite the times the doctors told him, they'd inform him he minute something happened. His father was on the road to recovery at last and Naruto would be damned if he just stayed at home waiting for news.

Flash backs:

They were at the park; Naruto loved swings. He was four years old and he wanted to try and swing by himself. "Otou-san, otou-san! I'm going to swing! Watch me!"

Arashi sat by the swings, he was watching his son while Kia took their first born Kyuubi to his art class. Naruto was a little bundle of joy, giggling away as he chanted the instructions of swinging by himself.

"Legs stretched out, legs folded in and kick the ground. Legs stretched out..." Naruto yelled and the swing rose higher and higher. He was going higher than he ever had. "Otou-san, watch me! I can go higher!"

"I am watching you, Naru! You're doing really well, but don't go too high. It's dangerous." Arashi called a hint of worry in his eyes. Naruto chuckled and pushed himself higher, Arashi stood up, on auto pilot as he saw Naruto's little hands slip from the chains. His hair stood on end as his son sailed through the air, screaming with fright and he launched himself forward. Reaching out he caught his son turning to take the brunt of his fall.

Naruto looked at him, his blue eyes wide. "Otou-san! Are you ok?" then his eyes travelled to a small cut on his fathers fore arm. "I made otou-san get a booboo!" tears leaked out, his mouth turned down in dismay.

Arashi smiled. "No, it's ok Naru. I had to save you see. It's only a little booboo. It wasn't your fault, I should have made you stop going so high. Now come on, if you stop crying I'll get you an ice-cream..."

Naruto nodded and wiped his tears. His sorrow forgotten as is characteristic of a small child, he took his father's big hand and let himself be led off to the ice cream stand.

He was ten years old and the family had gone to the amusement park. They were on their way back...Arashi arguing with Kyuubi because the fourteen year old had gone and gotten his lower lip pierced at the salon right outside the park. Naruto was scared, he'd never seen his father so angry...Kyuubi was sullen, like he'd been for the past two years.

"You're fourteen years old and still under our care...its dangerous! Why can't you understand that? What if you got HIV or something? I wish you'd talk to us Kyuubi...you're grades are falling!" Arashi yelled his blue eyes filled with anger.

Kia looked a little mad. "Stop yelling at him, Arashi. It isn't going to solve anything...you're scaring Naruto."

Arashi stopped and looked into his child's frightened blue eyes, before sheepishly rubbing his head. "I'm sorry Naru, Kyuubi. It's just that I'd like to be around to protect you guys..."

Kyuubi glowered and stared out of the window. Naruto smiled. "It's okay Otou-san!" but then he couldn't help look at Kyuubi who still refused to say anything. His older brother looked really sad. When they got home Naruto waited a while before going into Kyuubi's room. The other boy was sitting at his window seat, looking out; he turned to stare at the little blond intruder.

Naruto scrambled up to Kyuubi and reached out a little hand to touch his lip. "Did it hurt aniki?"

Kyuubi stared at him a moment before nodding a bit. "Yeah, but it's all right now..."

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