shi (4)

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Kakashi had heard all about Sasuke's last meeting with Naruto from Tsunade and Shizune. He actually felt quite pleased, it seemed to be working. Sasuke hadn't gotten into a fight in ages and he was a little civil even if he still was completely emotionless.

He glanced at the dark haired boy, who was for once talking to someone, Ino of all people. He wondered why Sasuke would talk to Ino! They seemed to have reached some kind of agreement, Sasuke had nodded firmly. Then he glanced at Kakashi and frowned. Kakashi sighed, oh well even if it was just a bit...Sasuke was getting better. Then he looked at his watch it was almost time.

Naruto was just finishing a couple of problems when the door opened with a bang. Looking up he saw a two bunches of flowers, a potted plant and some packages. The flowers were beautiful purple lilies and some pretty white roses. The plant was really cute too it was a small tree. He glimpsed Sasuke as the plants moved towards him.

"Sasuke? What the hell?" Naruto said looking at the 'plant' man walking towards him.

"Thanks a lot dobe, I loved your reaction." A growl came from behind the lilies.

"No I didn't mean it that way. I just was surprised...what's all this for?" Naruto asked.

Sasuke set the potted plant on the bedside table next to Naruto and then handed the flowers to Naruto. "Nothing, I just thought you needed more colour in your room. Do you like them?"

Naruto smiled at him. Actually he felt touched that the stoic boy had gone all this way for him. He'd stopped getting flowers two weeks after his accident. "Yeah, they're lovely. How did you know I liked these flowers?"

"I called Kyuubi. He did leave his number with me you know..." Sasuke looked pleased, though he didn't actually smile or anything. "The plant is for you to look after. It's a cherry blossom bonsai... which will bloom in a week or so, that's what the guy said. I even bought you this small, watering can, so you don't really have to do much. Water it a bit everyday, and then you should change the mud and bowl if you want it growing larger. Someone should be able to do it for you."

Naruto looked at Sasuke speechless. He really didn't know what to say...Sasuke was the first person who had realized he might have liked something to take care off. Sasuke frowned slightly.

"Are you ok, dobe? Don't you like it?" Sasuke asked him worriedly. Suddenly two arms grabbed him and he was pulled into Naruto's lap and into a suffocating hug.

"Thank you so much, Sasuke..." Naruto whispered into his hair. A sudden cough interrupted them. Sasuke moved back like he'd been burned, turning around his eyes widened with surprise.

"You! What are you doing here?"

Kakashi smiled. "I was tutoring Naruto in his see the book of sums on his lap? I thought you'd have gotten a look at what you had been sitting on a few seconds back!" Sasuke blushed a bit as he glared at Kakashi. Inner Kakashi danced in glee, he had seen Sasuke blush...this could be used as ammunition.

Naruto grinned at Kakashi. "Look at what Sasuke got me! Yay I have something all my own to take care off now. And he even got me my favorite flowers!"

Kakashi glanced at Sasuke. So that's why he was talking to Ino! He smiled...or it seemed like he smiled under the mask. "Well, that's good. now if you're done Naruto-kun, I'll leave. I have more important things to attend to right now."

Naruto pointed at him with a mischievous smile. "Oh, yeah...did Iruka-sensei like the dildo you bought him?"

Kakashi's eyes widened. He saw Sasuke's shocked and then wicked look. Oh he has ammunition too...damn brat! He looked at Naruto. "That's none of your business Naruto!"

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