san (3)

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This party was as boring as all the other his father had held. Sasuke wondered why his presence was required...oh right, it was so that the Uchiha could present their 'perfect family' image. He sighed. His mother was a few feet away from him hobnobbing with the glamorous wives of his dad's business partners. His brother was talking to said business partners all ready establishing his role as their new partner. His father was running around making sure everyone was comfortable, the perfect host.

Sasuke rubbed his head making his way out to the garden. They were the perfect family. They didn't need him, they never even cared except to make sure that he never did anything untoward or sullied the Uchiha name. The fights he constantly got into irritated and angered his parents no end. The teachers had actually suggested a shrink but they refused to send him. An Uchiha never needed help. The mantra had been fixed into his head since he was a child.

"Sasuke?" A soft voice yanked him out of his bitter musings. He turned around to see Itachi and stiffened instantly. His brother frowned a little. "What are you doing out here, Sasuke? You should be out there could be fun you never know..."

"Why do you care? It's none of your business. How come you aren't out there kissing your partners asses? Leave me alone." Sasuke glared at his brother, trying to hold back the urge to hit him.

"Cool it." Itachi commanded. Then his gaze softened a little. "I'm just concerned, was wondering why you don't give other people a chance to get to know you."

"I don't want to know other people....they're just a fucking waste of time! And since when have you been so concerned, almighty Itachi? I've been like this every fucking party, we have come you notice all of a sudden? You never did anything about it before you fucking prick!" Sasuke was no longer trying to be calm.

Itachi's eyes glinted dangerously, but his voice was calm. "I really don't know what I have done to anger you, Sasuke. But I will not be spoken to like that. We have guests, you better guard your tongue....don't bring any shame up on our..." he never got to finish as Sasuke's fist connected with his face.

"SASUKEE!" his father thundered. Sasuke looked up at him with a glare as well. He knew there'd be hell to pay for this later, but for the moment he didn't care. His father caught hold of him by the collar holding him away from Itachi...he wondered if his father could sense the murderous rage he was in right now. It was well that he was being held back, he'd kill his brother right now.

"Go. To. Your. Room. Right. Now." His father guided him to the staircase. Sasuke pulled away and made his way up the stairs silently. It was Itachi's fault for bothering him in the first place. If the asshole had left him alone then everything would have been fine.

Sasuke walked over to the punching bag at one end of the room and shrugged his dinner jacket off. Loosening his tie, he began to punch and kick the bag until he was exhausted and the rage had gone. He looked at the time; it had been an hour since the 'incident'. The guests would leave soon.

He sank down onto his bed. A knock on his door roused him. It was his mother. "Sasuke, your father is waiting for you in the study. He wants to see you at once." She spoke in a low voice, just showing him how disappointed she was. Sasuke looked away.

I don't care. I really don't care. He walked passed his mother with out a word and went into the study. His father gave him a disgusted look as he entered. "Would you mind explaining to me what that was all about?" His father's voice was ice.

Sasuke glared back at him. "Itachi bothered me. I told him to leave me alone, but Mr. Perfect wouldn't listen to me! So I hit make him understand."

His father raised an eyebrow. "To make him matter how I look at it, the explanation makes no sense whatsoever. I cannot understand how you can let go of yourself like that at a party. Do you realize what you just did to our prestige? My partners would be laughing at me! I'm the man who cannot even keep my younger son in check. "

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