ju shi (14)

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Sasuke stared at the rack wondering what to buy...the concert was coming up and he had absolutely no idea how to dress for it. A lot of people told him to go with the Goth look...they said it would suit him, but he didn't want to go completely Goth. He hovered over a pair of leather pants...they looked good not too Goth, but they were tight enough to make him look really sexy. That was what he wanted....to look so good that Naruto would be forced to hold handkerchief to his mouth in order to wipe away the drool...constantly.

He bought the leather pants and walked out the store...he had one T that would look pretty good with these pants, he guessed that would do. Thankfully after he had apologised and they'd told each other that they loved each other, Naruto had moved back into his house.

He got into his car...a new one that his mother had got him...a Lamborghini and drove home. He hoped the thing he'd gotten done day before yesterday would look good. He hadn't undressed in front of Naruto for the past two days because he wanted it to be a surprise. Once he was parked he dumped his things at his room and headed for Naruto's training room. "Naruto?"

"Hey, Sasuke! Where were you? Can't I even spend a nice Saturday with you at home?" Naruto asked him, mock angrily.

"No, dobe...not when you're doing your physiotherapy. Anyway...you ready for that concert? You do remember its tonight, don't you?" Sasuke asked him sitting down on a couch and watching the contraption that made Naruto's legs move.

'Yeah, I do! Gaara and Haku are helping me...they went shopping for me. I can't wait! That reminds me...what's for dinner Sasuke?" Naruto asked him.

"Dinner? Oh...I'll be taking you some place special...it's a surprise dobe." He said calmly. Dinner? Shit I forgot! Where do we go? That moment his phone buzzed with a message...it was Gaara.

I know u've forgotn 2 take Naruto somewhere for dinner. I made reservatn at that Italian restaurant Casapicola. Just you and Naruto. Meet me and Neji for concert at 8.

"I love you, Gaara!" Sasuke said as he felt a flood of relief. Naruto frowned at him and he hastened to correct the statement. "I mean...in a friendly way of course."

Naruto rolled his eyes. "Gosh I have you so whipped!"

Sasuke smirked. "You wish dobe. Now why don't you finish up and we'll go rest? After a nap Gaara can help you dress and you can get ready..."

Naruto scrunched up his eyes. "Do I have to do this?"

"Look I'm trying to make you look good...and it's not much. It's only eyeliner and there's barely a trace of it. Let me finish and you can look in the mirror if you don't like it, I'll take it off!" Gaara said exasperatedly. He picked up the eyeliner again and pulled Naruto's lower lid down. Very lightly...barely touching the lid he drew a faint line. Then he did the same for the other eye.

Then he ruffled Naruto's bangs a bit...he'd used conditioner to make the hair tameable today. Sighing, he turned Naruto around to face the mirror. Naruto gasped, he looked really good. Gaara had picked out nice red cut off shirt for him which went with dark brown leather pants. The traces of eyeliner didn't even show, but it accentuated his blue eyes all the same, making them look endless like the sky on a summer afternoon. Then he turned the chair towards the mirror earning a gasp from Naruto.

"Oh...I'm really hot!"

Gaara chuckled. "Yes...Sasuke will have a hard time tonight. Anyway I wonder where he's taking you...?"

Naruto smiled up at Gaara excitedly. "Yeah...it's our first date....I mean I never realised that we hadn't gone on a date yet...I mean an official dinner date..."

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