Jû-san (13)

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I'm sorry Sasuke but Naruto left. "Left? What do you mean left?" Sasuke asked dumbly. 

"He left. as in he packed up his things even Haku and moved to Kyuubi's house. They're getting it ready for heir father's return. the doctors think it might happen soon. Yesterday was a really traumatic day for him and you didn't make it any better..." Itachi frowned. "He asked me to tell you, that he doesn't want to see you again..." 

Sasuke stared at him blankly for a moment then he frowned. "No way am I just going to let him leave like that! I'm going to get him back if it's the last thing I do!" 

Itachi gave him a small smile. "Well there won't be any point to it if it is the last thing you do." he stood up. "I can give you a lift, I'll be going to see Kyuubi soon. I need to pick him up for work. You won't be going to school?"

"Of course not! I don't give a fuck if father thinks I'm doing badly! Naruto is loads more important!" he leapt out of bed and began to change at top speed. He couldn't give a damn about what he wore or that he didn't take a shower. He pulled an old grey tee that was too big for him, old faded black jeans and mismatched socks and shoes. His hair was sticking up in odd directions, like horizontally away from his face.

When he came out his mother dropped her cereal bowl. "Sasuke! Where do you think you're going looking like that". He glared at her. "It doesn't matter! Where's Itachi? He's supposed to give me a ride!" 

"Itachi's in the shower! Unlike you he needs to be well dressed. Where's your school uniform?" She asked him as the maid came in to mop the mess up. 

"I'm not going! Mother? Do you know where Kyuubi-san's house is?" Sasuke looked at her desperately, his head was still throbbing, but he ignored it.

"I think it's a block away, Naruto mentioned that he'd showed you the place" she smiled. "Are you going to? Sasuke? Sasuke, where are you?" But Sasuke had all ready jumped over the hedge and was running as fast as he could. He ran around the corner and crashed right into someone. 

"Ow! Oh...Sasuke?"

"Sakura? Where's Naruto's house? Tell me the shortest route!"

"Why should I? It's not like he needs a prick like you!" Sakura tried to move away when Sasuke caught hold of her shoulders and started shaking her.

"That's true, he may not need me! But I need him! I love him, Sakura. Just fucking tell me where he lives or I'm just going to have to find it the long way." Sasuke didn't stop shaking her until she nodded saying she'd given him the answer. The moment he got the directions he mumbled a thank you and took off again. Sakura stared after him. Sasuke Uchiha, Sasuke had said thank you! 

Sasuke kept running until he got to the cream coloured house. When he got there he began banging on the door like a mad man. He door opened and it took a little time for Sasuke to realise he was knocking on some old man's head. The man straightened giving him a cool look.

"An Uchiha I presume. How may I help you?"

 Sasuke really had to admire the man's stiffness even after being conked on the head multiple times.

"Naruto...I'm looking for Naruto." 

His eyes darted all around the house trying to see if he could spot Kyuubi or Naruto. The butler stiffened.

"I am sorry, but master Naruto has specifically told me he won't be seeing anyone today." 

The butler gave a small smile and shut the door. Sasuke stared and then swung one leg back; leaning to the side he kicked out really hard. The door burst open and Sasuke righted himself before stepping in. The butler stared at him. 

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