ni (2)

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"Sasuke, come here please."

Sasuke looked up wondering what Kakashi-sensei wanted right now. He didn't look too happy. He stood up and made his way over to his teacher's desk as the bell rang. The other students started shuffling out. Sasuke caught sight of Sakura, but other than smiling like she normally did, she gave him a disgusted look and walked out.

"What do you want?" Sasuke questioned as Kakashi went on correcting a few papers ignoring him.

Kakashi looked up and gave him a smile, only it wasn't a very nice smile. "Do you mind telling me, what happened yesterday? I would really like to know what you did to destroy what little regard Sakura has left for you and why you made Naruto so angry."

Sasuke snorted. "Nothing actually. The stupid dobe started threatening because I was mean to Sakura in the past. I don't let weaklings threaten me, so I said a few things. That's it."

Kakashi smiled again. "Guess he wasn't such a weakling after all. The bruise on your jaw says other wise." He watched as Sasuke grimaced. If looks could kill Kakashi would have been roasted and dead. He continued none the less. "Well, you must know that provoking the patient will not get you out this. I want you to apologize to him today. Naruto is a really nice guy and he doesn't need an ass like you to tell him he's a loser."

Sasuke looked at his teacher in shock. Kakashi was usually nice, but right now he was insulting Sasuke...calling him names actually."

Sasuke glared once more. "I'll apologize." He said sullenly before picking up his books and heading to his locker.

When he walked into the ward, after getting an annoyed look from Shizune, he found that it was full of people. Naruto was sitting on his bed, surrounded by the others. Sasuke recognized Neji from school. The boy had broken his leg two days back. He was sitting in a wheel chair by Naruto's bed.

Neji's cousin Hinata was sitting at the foot of the bed. She was gazing adoringly at Naruto. Sasuke felt a twinge of irritation. Sakura was on the bed next to Naruto and her boyfriend Lee was next to her in an armchair. There were all talking excitedly watching something on TV.

Naruto yelled out with glee. "He scored a goal! Yay! I knew he'd do it! Real Madrid is awesome! They're the best team in the world!" he stopped cheering abruptly when he saw Sasuke. "Oh, it's you. What do you want teme?"

The atmosphere in the room dropped two below zero degrees. Sasuke shrugged it off. After all this was I was like at home. It didn't bother him...or so he told himself. "Can I talk to you for a while Naruto? Alone?"

Naruto frowned. "No, I am not getting my ass into a wheel chair, just so I can talk to you. Nor am I kicking everyone else out. Why don't you just say what you want to?"

Sasuke grimaced. Naruto wanted him to apologize in front of them, then fine, he wasn't bothered or scared of these assholes. "I wanted to apologize for being such an asshole yesterday. I was wrong to do that and...and I have dislodged the stick up my ass a bit."

Suddenly everyone seemed to be staring at him incredulously. The Uchiha had just apologized to some? In public? Sasuke ignored their glances looking solely at Naruto.

Naruto watched the boy who seemed so oblivious to everyone. But he could see behind that bored arrogant expression, the Uchiha was really wishing for everyone to just look away. He decided to take pity on the teme. "That's alright. Why don't you join us? The match is getting real interesting. Come sit beside me..." he patted the place next to him.

Sasuke just brushed it off with a 'Hn.' He walked over and squeezed beside Naruto on the bed. The match was interesting. Sasuke found himself jigging up and down very slightly at all the parts where real Madrid almost scored a goal. He was sure Naruto would be bouncing too, if he could. But the blonde just moved his upper body up and down.

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