Ju roku

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Dear Sasuke,

How's things been? I know it's been six months since you left and I haven't written to you yet...but that's only because we called each other everyday for the first three months and then as you know our parents caught us and threatened to take our phones away. And then the next three months I know my e-mails were erratic, but that's only because it got really busy at college.

College is going fine. We have this weird teacher called Zabuza, he teaches mathematics. I think he's got a thing for Haku though. He keeps coming up to us and having a chat whenever Haku comes to get me. It's extremely fun to make Haku blush whenever I get the chance.

Kyuubi-nii has decided to move in with Itachi and they've gotten themselves an apartment nearby...five minutes walk from my house actually, so Kyuubi can meet dad regularly. Dad is fine now...I know I didn't talk much about him during our calls, but he's perfectly fine. Your dad seems to have become great friends with him and comes around to take dad golfing or to their club and stuff like that. My dad thinks yours is a very fine man once he drops the 'stick in the ass' attitude.

Kiba, Chouji and the rest are with me here. I'm glad Shikamaru, Gaara and Neji are with you...you'll have some friends at least. Kiba is begging me to ask Hinata out on his behalf...he says she's crazy about me...though I think she's crazy about him. So I just help people do what they feel like. I've made new friends with a guy called Sai who looks a lot like you. He keeps trying to feel me up...don't worry Sakura beat him up for that, so he's not going to try anything.

I miss you, teme. I wish that I could have followed you like Neji followed Gaara, but its called wishful thinking. Love you so much...it hurts actually. But there I go again sounding mushy like girls...though now I come to think of it Sakura and Ino aren't that mushy with Lee and Chouji. What's this I hear about Shika shacking up with some blond girl? Which blond girl is this? Anyway write back soon and don't worry about calling, I've saved all my allowance to get a pre-paid card so I can call you for at least two hours. Love you bastard...though I wonder why!



Dear Naruto,

I miss you like hell! What the fuck was that last line all about? Idiot! Why do I have to give you titbits to gossip about? And how did you find out about Shika? Anyway, its Temari...she's scary though. Stop smirking...you haven't met her yet...she's Gaara's cousin...that should be enough information about her.

College is fine...I'm glad that Haku got a guy at last... I haven't been too happy about leaving you in his care. The horde of fan girls here has been taken care of. A new guy on campus called Iwaki-san has stolen them all away...thank heavens.

Can you please tell mom not to send me to lingerie stores...each time I go they think I'm a cross dresser. Get that perverted look off your face! Anyway...why is she sending me new underwear? At this rate I'll have a mountain of underwear.

Is there any chance that you might visit? I'm missing your kisses...and I'm so completely celibate here, they think I'm married. Told you, you should have just said yes. Ok since I'm not much of a letter person I'm signing off now. Really wish you were here, but anyway what the hell, I'll see you sometimes...three and a half years, unless I come down for the vacation...unless I have a vacation which isn't crammed with work that is. Love you, dobe.


Two years after Sasuke left:

Sasuke frowned, where were his bags? Finally he saw them slowly coming towards him. He lugged them off and started to head towards the exit. Black eyes swept through the crowds searching for a blond head, but there was none to be seen. He spotted another black Uchiha head and walked over.

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