roku (6)

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Naruto woke up in a really soft bed. He wondered where he was and realized that it was Sasuke's room. But Sasuke was nowhere to be seen. Naruto pulled himself into a sitting position and leaned back against the pillows. His wheel chair was in the corner and he really needed to pee. It was a routine...and he couldn't let that go awry. He wondered if Sasuke really knew his routine, when a loud curse erupted from the bathroom.

Naruto looked at the bathroom door as Sasuke ran out with just a towel wrapped around his waist and dripping with water. "Dobe!" he stopped running and looked at the blond. "Oh you're need to pee!"

Naruto laughed. "Yes, I need to pee. So..." Sasuke scooped him up and carried him to the bathroom. Naruto felt a weird sensation as his face rubbed against the smooth skin of the Uchiha's smooth, slick shoulder. When they reached, Sasuke held him up as he peed. But he closed his eyes to give Naruto privacy, when a small part of his mind urged him to take a peek.

Take a'll do no harm, after all he is hot! Urged the little devil Sasuke. Angel Sasuke shook his head. No...Naruto needs his privacy...and don't take a peek! You have some morals...otherwise you'd turn into Kakashi...

"Oh hell no!"


Sasuke opened his eyes to see Naruto looking at him strangely. "Uh... Sasuke, I'm done... and why are you talking to yourself?"

Sasuke blushed a little. "Nothing...just thinking aloud. Um...why don't I help you shower first and then I'll finish my shower?" he turned even redder at that. Naruto blushed too. He let Sasuke get him out of the pajamas, but kept his boxers on. It didn't matter if they got wet, but he wasn't stripping in front of Sasuke.

Sasuke soaped him and then washed him off. He looked away when Naruto washed some parts himself. Then he toweled Naruto dry and helped him get some clothes on, which proved to be embarrassing and difficult, with Sasuke trying to pull Naruto's boxers on without looking. Oh my god, did I touch his...shit! Sasuke quickly yanked on the rest of Naruto's clothes, dumped the blond in the bed and rushed to the bathroom.

He cursed himself for feeling turned on and was thankful that he got out of there before Naruto noticed. Turning the shower to cold, he managed to get his feelings under control.

Pulling an old black t-shirt and some jeans he went back into his room. Naruto was frowning at the walls. Sasuke wondered what was up. So he asked. Naruto just shook his head.

"Sasuke, can I talk to Itachi for a minute? It's a little private." Asked Naruto hesitantly. "Don't worry, you'll know soon enough."

Sasuke grimaced a little but nodded. He went out and bellowed for Itachi to come. Itachi did come, giving Naruto the glimpse of another bare chested Uchiha. Naruto gulped and gave Sasuke a look. Sasuke frowned and got out.

Itachi checked the door to make sure Sasuke wasn't listening and then looked at Naruto. "So what did you want to talk about?"

It was an hour later that Sasuke wheeled Naruto down to the dinning table. Breakfast was tasty and simple. The older Uchihas had left to work, so only they were alone. They ate and then wandered around the garden. Sasuke got Kiba to lend them one of his pups...after convincing Kiba that he wouldn't torture it and that it was Naruto. Then he walked back to Naruto who was digging around in a flower bed trying to plant something. He let go of the puppy which bounded up to Naruto, planting its paws on his waist.

Naruto looked down and blinked. Then he looked up at Sasuke with the sweetest smile ever. "Oh my god...thanks Sasuke. Are you sure it's not a bother?"

"Nah...but we can't keep it for always. It had to go back to Inuzuka's at the end of the week. I'm sorry about that." Sasuke shrugged his shoulders.

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