kyū (9)

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This chapter has lemon, but it's not sasunaru

The silence was deafening after Naruto and Sasuke ran to their room. Itachi wondered how to resolve this. He didn't know what to say and Kyuubi's parting shot had hurt like hell. He politely asked Kyuubi what he'd like.


Itachi complied bringing two glasses out. The ice clinking in the glass broke the silence, but neither men made a move to make things right. Kyuubi knew he had to make the first move... this was his fault in a way.

"We need to talk... I'm sorry about this afternoon..."

Itachi looked up and nodded for the man to go on. Kyuubi sighed, damn... of all the things he could have done, he had had to mess with the Uchiha pride! "Look, I haven't been having a good week. I've been stuck in a great big mansion, with absolutely no one but the butler to talk to. That guy is reeeaaaallllyy old and is too dignified to have conversation with me. I've considered getting Naruto to stay with me, but I haven't the heart to take him away from Sasuke. So yeah...I'm lonely. I don't want to admit it, it makes me feel weak, but I must."

"So you lashed out at me, because I paying more attention to work?" the statement was said in a dry tone, and Itachi was still not looking at him.

"I said I was sorry. That was not the only reason I lashed out. Itachi these feelings confuse me, I've never had to go through them before. I couldn't help thinking you're work meant so much more to you than me...I couldn't understand where I stood with you and I still don't." Kyuubi walked up to Itachi and caught hold of his face, between his hands. Then he looked straight into Itachi's eyes. "Look at me when I'm talking to you! What I want to say is everyday you've been getting closer to me, I can't stop thinking about you for more than five minutes and even then you're at the back of my mind."

"I'm scared, Itachi. I'm scared because I've fallen in love with you and I don't know if you the feel the same way about me. I don't know if our relationship is just something casual to you!" then Kyuubi looked away, panting a little, as though he'd run a race.

Then suddenly lips were on his, and he was being kissed within an inch of his life. Itachi broke away, his forehead still against Kyuubi's. "I was having the same doubts. Gosh you can be such an idiot sometimes; I see where Naruto gets it from! I love you too Kyuubi."

Kyuubi smiled then, and kissed him. Itachi couldn't get a grasp on things until his back hit the wall. He pulled away, taking a deep breath. "Maybe we should take this to my room? It wouldn't be good if Sasuke walked in on us..."

Kyuubi nodded and then scooped Itachi up in his arms bridal style. Itachi yelped and glared at the redhead. "Asshole! Put me down now!" he ordered, the Uchiha 'look' on his face.

"Nah! You're too cute, when you glare like that." Kyuubi made sure no one was around and carried Itachi through the door to his room, kicking the door shut behind him, and using one hand to lock it.

(Lemon Begins)

Kyuubi then dumped Itachi onto the bed, and proceeded to kiss him as hard as he could, until Itachi actually became hard, without him doing anything. Itachi groaned. "Are we going to do something? Or are you just going to keep kissing me?"

Kyuubi smirked. "Oh I'm going to do much more, but first we'll have to get rid of these little obstacles..." Kyuubi pushed Itachi's T-shirt up to his chin, and ran his hands over the man's toned chest. The Uchiha gasped as Kyuubi's long elegant fingers brushed against his sensitive nipples. Those fingers now came to rest on the rosy buds, rubbing them softly. Itachi panted reaching up to slip his fingers into Kyuubi's hair and pull the red haired man towards him. He kissed him deeply again, a thread of saliva connecting their lips when the pulled apart.

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