Ju go (15)

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"I'm going to be going away, dobe...for four years."

Naruto stared at him uncomprehendingly. "What do you mean...go away...for four years?"

Sasuke sat down on the other side of the bed, far from Naruto. "Dad sent my papers to the University of Ishi. I got accepted. It's a really well known place with so many activities...I'd thought of going there, for a very long time. So well, he wants me to leave...three days from now."

Naruto felt himself freeze inside. Sasuke was going away? But he couldn't be selfish could he? He smiled. "That's great actually! I mean I'll miss you...but it's the best university in the world and you should go. Then you can come back and be better than Itachi and I'll still be here."

Suddenly two arms caught him and held him close. "I did want to go. But then you're here...I can't let you go Naruto. Please just say you don't want me to leave."

Naruto sighed. "You know I can't say that. We've got three days let's make the best of it ok?" he kissed Sasuke hard. The raven pulled him under the covers and proceeded to kiss the life out of him. They kept it at that, somehow all they wanted to do now was hold each other close.

"I love you Naruto."

"I love you too, Sasuke."

"Naruto...Naruto...wake up."

Bleary blue eyes opened to see golden ones staring at him. Kyuubi looked a mix of worried and happy. "The hospital just called. Dad's awake. We need to go see him..."

Sasuke helped Naruto dress and sent him off with Kyuubi. He respected the fact that Naruto had to spend sometime with his dad. Naruto got to the hospital and was wheeled through to finally see blue eyes staring back at him. Naruto smiled in relief.

"Hey dad! I'm so glad to see you!" Naruto let Kyuubi lift him and place him next to Arashi. Naruto hugged the blond man tightly. "I missed you."

Arashi stared at his son for a moment, before looking down. Tears ran down his cheeks and his shoulder shook as he sobbed. Naruto's eyes widened and he held the older man close rubbing his back. "Why are you crying...those don't look like happy tears...?"

He heard his father trying to say something. He pulled away and watched his father take a deep breath and begin very slowly. "I...did...t...this...to you. Your mother...my fault..."

Naruto shook his head in dismay. "Come on! You can't say that! It was an accident! I'm sorry...please don't cry." His pleading seemed to work because Arashi made an effort to stop crying.

"How long?" he croaked.

Kyuubi and Naruto glanced at each other. "A year...it's been a year." Kyuubi said finally. "But you don't have to worry, I'm taking care of the company and Naruto's staying with his boyfriend and he has a nurse so he'll get better. I'm taking care of everything." He sounded a little rushed and his eyes kept darting away.

Arashi smiled at him. "I'm sure you've done a really great job."

Kyuubi smiled back a bit. "I think I'll go get Naruto some coffee. Um...he'll want to talk to you a while I think." He left in a hurry.

Naruto just sighed. "I really missed you dad. I miss mom a lot too, but there's this person I've met...and as much as I hate to say it, I'd never had met him if I wasn't in the state I'm in now. I wish I could have had mom and him, but then its life, ne."

Arashi reached out to pat Naruto, but again it was done slowly. It looked like Naruto wasn't the only one who was going to have to go through rehab, but Arashi had it easier because he wasn't paralyzed. They spent a lot of time talking and then finally Naruto realised that he needed to spend some time with Sasuke too.

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