jū (10)

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Naruto wheeled himself into the room to see Sasuke sitting on the bed, his back to the door. He sighed and struggled to hoist himself onto the bed, finally managing it, after which he dragged himself to Sasuke. It was at these moments that his condition really frustrated him. He reached Sasuke and draping an arm around the dark haired boy's shoulder. Sasuke ungraciously moved away, scooting to the farthest side of the bed; Naruto almost pitched head first into the blanket, stopping himself by throwing out an arm. He sat there feeling lonely and hurt.

He cleared his throat. "Sasuke... what's wrong?" he wanted to move closer, but he'd used up most of his strength for the day and was hurting all over from all the exertion in the morning. He waited but Sasuke was silent. Naruto frowned. "Listen, Sasuke... please tell me."

The Uchiha shifted a bit. "Can't you see what's wrong, dobe? I broke my arm! I thought you were paralyzed, but not blind as well!" he heard Naruto suck in a sharp breath and pain blossomed in his heart for hurting the blond...his blond. But couldn't the dobe see he was angry? When he was angry he couldn't help but hurt the person he loved!

Behind him, he heard Naruto breathing a little labouredly and then he heard the blond clear his throat. "I meant how did you get hurt bastard? Just answer me, instead of trying to hurt me and push me away! It's not going to work... I won't let you hurt me...for...for stupid reasons like this!"

Sasuke whirled around, his eyes seemingly glinting red? "Shut up, dobe! Just shut up! I don't have to answer you! I don't have to do anything you tell me too! Just because I let you in, doesn't mean I have to obey your every command! I won't let you order me around! I know...I know I didn't meet up to your expectations all right? I know! All my life, I've never been what they wanted me to be! I have never met up to anyone's expectations and I don't think I ever will! I'm sorry I didn't meet your picture of a perfect and decent boyfriend ok? Don't try making me feel guilty, it won't work either...I'll never let you guilt trip me! I won't listen to a thing you say or obey your silly..."

He was interrupted mid-rant by a panicked Naruto who said "Sasuke! I have to pee!" like a bolt Sasuke was off the bed, his good arm circling around the blond's waist, half dragging and half carrying him to the bathroom. It was only then that he realized that the only thing he could do was precariously old the blond up with only one arm, considering the other was in a cast and right now...was hurting a lot. He turned away till Naruto finished, before picking up the other boy and dumping him on the bed.

Naruto looked at his back which was presented once more. "Won't obey me, huh teme? Then why did you rush me to the bathroom the minute I told you?"

Sasuke then turned the dial for his trademark Uchiha glare and turned it to below zero degrees. That done, he faced the fiery blond on the other side, suddenly thinking that ice couldn't hurt fire, but what the hell. "Self interest, dobe...you were going soil my sheets...I do not care for the idea of sleeping on soiled sheets or you wetting my mattress. I do not favour a room smelling of pee." Then he turned his back again.

"Uh huh... why didn't you call Haku then? I'm sure Uchiha's have very good memory when it came to servants and their uses around the house. It's plain stupidity to do that when your arm is injured...were you jealous because Haku might get to see my privates or were you just concerned?" Naruto smirked the childish triumph evident in his voice.

"Don't kid yourself Uzumaki...I was neither jealous nor concerned. If you can't accept me as I am, then don't accept me at all." He smirked. They sat in deep silence for a while; the only sound heard was their breathing. A tiny snore woke Sasuke from his stupor and he turned to see Naruto asleep, his mouth parted slightly, nose scrunched up and breathing softly. But how could anyone be pissed at a vision like that? Sasuke moved towards the blond thing and softly caressed his whiskered cheek. "Stupid, dobe..."

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