go (5)

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Itachi clutched Kyuubi as they drove through the streets. It looked weird...a guy in a suit hanging on to a red haired goth kinda guy. They were racing to Itachi's company, because Itachi had spent the night at Kyuubi's. The red head being laid back had woken him up late. Itachi blushed, he felt a bit weird holding onto Kyuubi like this, but he also found himself wishing that they had actually done something last night. But then Kyuubi was too drunk by the time they had finished.

At last they reached and Itachi jumped off the bike. "Thanks Kyuubi, I'll see you sometime later." Kyuubi grinned and pulled Itachi forward by the tie, kissing him softly. Itachi was thankful that they were in the parking lot...anywhere else; the whole thing would be in the papers by evening.

"Itachi...keep in touch ok? Come see me sometimes." Kyuubi smiled once more, before zooming out of the parking lot.

Itachi watched him go and suddenly felt lonely. He had loved yesterday, he'd actually let go somewhat, which he hadn't done in years. He walked to the elevator, nodding to everyone. He got into the elevator that took him straight to his office. Leaning against the wall, he thought back to yesterday.


"Where are we going?" Itachi yelled into Kyuubi's ear. He was feeling really guilty about not going to work.

"You'll see when we get there." Kyuubi yelled back Itachi really couldn't say much about Kyuubi's riding except that he was glad he was still alive through the ride.

At last they reached a small lake. Kyuubi paid for a few rods and some bait. Itachi looked at him incredulously. "You brought me fishing? I could do this with anyone!"

Kyuubi just gave him a secret smile. "Well, you haven't ever been fishing with me have you? Or at this lake?"

"No I haven't, but it's just fishing isn't it?"

"That's what you think." With those ominous words they had started. The fishing had really been an experience. This particular lake was infested with monster fish. Fish that had mutated in some crazy ways. People here fished for sport, not food. Kyuubi was right Itachi had never done this type of fishing before...the kind where you could get pulled into the lake and drink copious amounts of toxic water. This is exactly what he would have done if Kyuubi hadn't caught him around the waist and saved him.

After the traumatic fishing experience, Kyuubi decided to take Itachi roller blading. Itachi really didn't want to admit that he had no idea how to skate. After all he was supposed to be the perfect Uchiha. But then he watched a few people...it looked easy. That thought was lost the minute he fell into Kyuubi's arms. He tried not to look at Kyuubi's smirk and ended up spending the next hour learning how to balance. What the hell? He had never had time for all this...he was too busy graduating from college.

After roller blading, Kyuubi took him to a run down diner to experience the 'poor' way of life. Itachi had to agree that the food here was awesome...he made up his mind to come here more often, even if the surroundings were unhygienic. Then they went to the library...Kyuubi liked 'Asterix' and they read the comics for a long time. Itachi personally loved Cacofonix...even though in reality he would have murdered a man like that.

Once the library was ready to close, Kyuubi took Itachi to the cool new club on the block. Not too many rich people came here, but Itachi had a lot more fun this way. There was this weird shark like man called Kisame who had tried to chat him up. But then Kyuubi had taken him aside and whispered something and then the man had left him alone. Kisame did seem like a good friend of Kyuubi's though. The club had some band called 'Sound of Snakes' playing for them, with this weird snake-like guy called Orochimaru who kept making out with the drummer Kabuto. Kyuubi drank drink after drink. Then suddenly his legs wouldn't hold him up anymore, so Itachi had to take him home. They had gotten lost for an hour because Kyuubi was disoriented.

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