Dirty Little Secret

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Santana thought about the kiss all the way home. What it could mean, what she felt, how much she liked it, and how much she wanted more. It truly frightened her.
She walked in the house and went to sit down in the kitchen with her mom.

"Hola Mija, How was school?"

"School was school. Nothing special. Mr. Shue is gonna give us our songs tomorrow."

"Oh that's great! Any cute boys try to talk to you yet?" Mrs.Lopez nudges Santana

"Not really. I'm gonna go take a shower now."

"Are you not hungry my love?"

"I'm okay mami. I'll be back later."

Santana rushes up the stairs and lays down on her bed. She pulls out her phone and sees that she has a missed call from Brittany. She goes into her messages about to text her when she suddenly changes her mind. She rolls her eyes and tears off her cheerleading uniform like a sticker and lays back on her bed with her knees up.

What was I thinking today...I know Brittany really enjoyed that kiss. But I can't have her thinking it'll be a regular thing. It would be nice to do it again though...

As Santana becomes deep in thought about Brittany and the kiss her hands start wandering about her barely clothed body. They travel past her navel down her midsection lower...and lower.

*knock knock*
Mija! Please come wash these dishes before you get in the shower.

Fuck. What is wrong with me? Was I really about to fucking masturbate to the thought of Brittany. I need to get over it.

Santana jumps back up and hustles downstairs.


"Mediocre work today ladies! I've seen better spins in a pizza shop. Speaking of pizza, lay off of it would ya? The last thing we need is a bunch of whales at the top of our pyramids." Coach Sue spit at the Cheerios.

Everyone hit the showers in the locker room and Santana was the last to leave. Well, so she thought.

"Hey San!" Brittany's voice echoed throughout the locker room.

"Jesus Christ Brittany. You scared the shit out of me. I didn't think anybody else was in here still."

"Have you been avoiding me today?"

"I have not." Santana said dryly.

"Is this about this kiss?"

"No Brittany! And I thought we agreed not to speak of it." Santana hissed quietly.

"We did. But, honestly I can't stop thinking about it."

Neither could Santana but this was all happening so fast and it was making her head spin.

"You really need to let it go now Britt."

Santana turns to walk out of the locker room before Brittany pulls her back.

"Can we please do it one more time? In here?" Brittany asks with pleading eyes.

"What the hell, Brittany are you nuts? Someone might see us." Santana panics looking around.

"Calm down. No one is in here except us." Brittany soothed stepping closer to Santana. Santana continued looking at the ground until Brittany lifted her chin softly to stare into her blue eyes. Santana was a sucker for Brittany's eyes. She forgave her for so many things just by looking at them.

"Can we please do it one more time?"

"Okay fine. But no more practice after this. I can't have anyone finding out. Seriously." Santana said sternly.

"Yay!" Brittany cheered as she pulled Santana's face in with her hand. They moved out of sync for a moment but got it together shortly. Santana placed her hand on the taller girls waist pushing her back onto the locker lightly.

Brittany smirked into the kiss and Santana kissed Brittany harder to help her remember who is in charge. Santana began to dominate the kiss as Brittany granted her tongue access. Brittany's hands started traveling from Santana's neck into her hair which was let down and free. Brittany tugged on it slightly and Santana responded in a breathy sigh. Santana pushed her knee into Brittany's center gaining a sigh from the taller girl now.
Santana's hands pushed up Brittany's shirt slightly when she suddenly pushed Santana off of her and gasped loudly.

"Oh my God. I'm so sorry. I was just leaving." Rachel intrudes trying to run out of the locker room.

"Were you in here the entire time Berry!?" Santana snaps.

"No...Uh Yes. No! I um..." Rachel stammers.

"You didn't see anything. If you tell anyone about this, I will end you." Santana threatens getting close up into Rachel's face.
"Now get out."

Rachel doesn't hesitate to run out. Santana looks at Brittany with devastation in her eyes.

"I'm sorry again Santana—

"Brittany don't. Just don't touch me."

Hope everyone is enjoying this story! If you are please don't hesitate to comment or fav. ❤️

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