Bringing Sexy Back

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After Santana told Finn off, she sat back down and didn't say another word to anybody the rest of the class. The bell rings and as she starts to go, Mr.Shue stops her.

"Santana, can I speak with you for a moment?"


"Erm..I know I'm just a lame adult teacher. And honestly, it may seem like I know what's going on with my students most of the time, but I don't. I can't keep up with who's dating who or who doesn't like each other and so on. So if something is really bothering you or anyone else, my door is always open. As well as Misses Pillsbury's. You know that, right?"

"I didn't really feel like I could come to you. Ms.Pillsbury maybe. But I didn't think you cared that much to be honest." Santana responded dryly.

"Well I do. We all do. You're a vital part of this glee club Santana and God forbid anything happen to you. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself. I'd like to exempt you from this weeks assignment to just regroup and focus on yourself."

Santana's Pov
I swallowed hard at his kind words which were making me feel uncomfortable. Sentimental moments make me cringe and itch. I just wanna run out of here as fast as possible. I wish this was just a bad dream that I could wake up from.

"Thanks...Um...I've gotta gay—GO! I've gotta go."

I brushed past him and stopped by my locker like I always do before I go home. But I was disrupted like I normally am.


"Finnocence. Dwarf. Can I ask why you're both bothering me for the second time today?"

"Rachel had a question to ask you."

"Yes, um, I have a type of...proposal." Rachel adjusted her skirt as she stammered.

"Listen Gayberry, I know I just came out of the closet, but I'm not into you. I can barely stand being in the same room as you, i would rather jab my eyes out than get hitched." I sneer.

"Not that kind of proposal. You're aware that this weeks assignement is themed "sexy" correct?" Rachel stepped closer to me and I scanned the smaller girl up and down.

"Uh...Are you guys swingers? Try Tina, she may be into that sort of thing." I backed away a few inches.

"We're not. I prefer the normality of monogamy. Anyway, I wanted to know if you would teach us how to be... "sexy" for our assignment." Rachel blinked rapidly awaiting my harsh response. This has gotta be a joke.

"Ha...okay let me get this straight." I try and hold back my laugh as I begin to circle them like a hawk.
"You two? Want me? To teach you how to be sexy?"

"That's correct. You're classified as one of the sexiest girls in the school, so we thought we would get it straight from the horses mouth." Rachel nodded and clutched her books tightly.

"Well, there's a couple of problems with this whole scenario, aside from the obvious." I step in front of Finn and look him up and down from head to toe.

"First of all, Finn, its high time you lost the big V. Everything about you screams virgin. You're about as sexy as a cabbage patch kid. It's exhausting, to look at you." I step aside and examine Rachel in the same demeaning way.

"And baby Streisand. Well what can I say about you. Let's start with this outfit. Are you going to school or to a funeral? Ditch the cringey  tights and maybe we'll talk. And let loose a little for God's sakes Berry. You're as stiff as a board. To be sexy you have to have swag and confidence. Finn you're lacking in swag and Berry you're annoyingly confident."

I close my locker and start to walk away.

"Wait! What else?" Finn shouts out.

"What did you think I was gonna just give away all my secrets? If I wanted to to do that, I'd write a freaking book. I don't do this for free, I'm way too badass for that. Besides, I'm not singing a song for this assignment so why don't you ask Quinn. She needs a new partner anyway."

I shrug and continue down the hallway leaving Finn and Rachel behind.

As I'm walking to my car I see Brittany and smile. I begin walking faster to talk to her until I see who she's talking to. It's the crip. I decide to hide behind a small closure on the side to listen in on their conversation.

"I think we should do it at my house. My mom is baking cookies and they're awesome." Brittany gushed.

"That sounds good Britt. I can meet you there around 7."

She leans down to give him a hug and a peck on the cheek. I roll my eyes at the gesture. As soon as he rolls away, I come out of the shadows to greet Brittany.

"Santana!" Brittany hugs me tightly and I melt into her embrace. I didn't expect her to be so excited.

"Hey Britt Britt. I'm happy to see you too."

"Rough day huh?" Brittany rubs my shoulder as she speaks.

"You can say that again. Finn and Rachel get on my damn nerves."

"I would invite you over, but Artie's coming. So we can work on our song."

"Yeah I heard...
I mean, I figured!" I look away and scratch my head at my slip up.

"But maybe afterwards, if you're not busy?

So why did he want to be your partner on the next assignment?" I arch my eyebrow anticipating her answer.

"I don't know. But I think he likes me."

"Oh perfect." I reply shortly.

"Santana Diabla Lopez. Are you jealous?" Brittany smirks at me and I have the urge to turn away.

"Who!? ME? Please, neither fishy face or wheels can hold a candle to me." I boast.

"Well good. Then how about a double date? Me and Artie. You and Sam."

"Brittany, are you out of your mind? How do you even know Sam would agree to that or if he  even likes me?" I'm hoping Brittany will change her mind because this is the last thing I want.

"Sam likes everyone. I'm sure if you asked him, he'd go out with you."

"You're serious about this aren't you?"


Brittany had an innocence about her that fooled a lot of people. But not me. She was a lot smarter than people gave her credit for. So I'll play this little game, for now. But it's not gonna end well, I just know it won't.

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