Take me or Leave me

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It had already been a week and neither Santana nor Quinn had come up with a plan to get Artie and Finn away from Brittany and Rachel.

"This is getting pathetic. What are we really doing here?" Quinn groans resting her elbows on the piano in front of her.

"Take a chill pill Juno. S'Lo always has a plan."
Santana gets up from the piano bench and paces back and fourth. She thinks to herself for a moment before gasping.

"Well put me in a manger and call me baby Jesus. I got it, it's fool proof. It is 100% going to work." Santana declared.

"Alright, whatcha got?"

"So I'm gonna get Brittany to come to the bathroom with me, and you're going to already be in the stall with your phone ready..."

"Um, is this some sort of fantasy? Cause..."

"No Q, just hear me out." Santana continues. "You're gonna have your phone ready to take a picture. I'm gonna kiss Brittany and you're gonna take it. Print it out and put it in Artie's locker anonymously. He'll be so upset he'll break up with Brittany."

Quinn shook her head. "You're deranged. And what about it me?"

"You're gonna go to the auditorium and tell Berry to meet you there. Then you're gonna works your little Quinn Fabray magic and text me to come in. I'm gonna lure Finn in with some lame excuse to sing with me in there and BOOM. We walk in on you two, galpaling it up. Finn will be ready to cry by then. It's gonna work it's like scientifically proven, or something Quinn." Santana grins.

"But doesn't it all seem a little, selfish?" Quinn argues.

Santana walks over to the bench and sits back down and intertwines her fingers. "Quinn do you remember when you wanted to be prom queen SO bad last year? We rigged the votes so you'd win?"

"Yeah...and I didn't feel any different."

"Oh yeah that is right...but that's not the point. The point is, it was selfish. But you got what you wanted. And I helped you. Brittany is what I really want, now you need to help me."

Santana looked daringly into Quinn eyes and she sighed.

"Okay. Let's do this." Quinn agreed.


"I just texted Brittany so you can go ahead and get in the stall."

Quinn nods and locks the door. She laughs under her breath when she notices an old racy picture she drew freshman year of Rachel. She really didn't hate her, deep down she really  wanted to be as ambitious as her.

"Hey Britt! Thanks for coming."

"Am I in trouble? We only talk in the bathroom when I'm in trouble."

"Of course not. How could I be mad at this face?" Santana pinches Brittany's cheeks like a baby and Brittany steps back a bit.

"Are you okay? You haven't really been talking to me this whole week..Are you sure you're not mad anymore?" Brittany asked scanning Santana's face thoroughly.

"No no noo. don't be silly! So I was wondering, can I have a kiss. Like...as friends?" Santana runs her fingers up and down Brittany's arm softly as she asks.

"Um, sure? Would that be okay though, since I'm dating Artie?"

"Duh. You know it's not cheating because...?"

"Because the plumbing's different." Brittany answered.

"Exactly. So? How about some sugar?" Santana shimmies moving closer to Brittany but still making sure she's in between the crack of the stall so Quinn can see her.

COMPLETED • If I Die Young // A Brittana Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now