Show Me A Good Time

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Authors note: These chapters have been some plot setting and character building so bare with me. The action will be taking place in no time. 😉

The next day at school, Santana had a mission. Her and Brittany have always had this little game they played of who could make each other more jealous. She didn't know why, it just had always been that way. It wasn't right or healthy, but Santana could've sworn Brittany started it. But, she was about to finish it. She spotted her prey sitting in the library during lunch, now was the time to go in for the kill.

Santana slides out a chair at the table Sam is sitting at by his self and he grins widely.
"You're as pretty as a box of chocolates. Like life. You never know which one you're gonna get."

Santana scrunches up her forehead and wants to just get up and leave. But she came for a reason and she was going to fulfill it.

"Okay, you know what, let's just cut to the chase. Despite the fact that your mouth to face ratio is way off, you still somehow manage to be cute. But no make no mistake. Everytime you open your humongous mouth to do an impression or lick a stamp for a lazy giant, you take one step closer to everyone actually seeing that you're a dork. But that's where I come in, I hereby offer my services. As a mistress."
Santana finished. "I wants on them froggy lips, and I wants on em' now."

"But, I'm kinda into Brittany."

"And she's, kinda into Artie. Sucks to suck right? Too bad your soup coolers couldn't convince her to date you."
Sam frowns and Santana feels bad for a second.
"Don't feel too bad kid, Brittany is my bestfriend and she ditched me to sing with Steven Hawkin too. Dont take it personally, Brittany thinks everyone deserves a fair shot."

Santana's heart sank at her own comment. Brittany is so oppposite of Santana. She is friendly and Santana is not. This always made her so protective of Brittany. She didn't want to lose her to anyone better. Or nicer.
Sam was getting ready to open his mouth to say something but Santana interjected before he could say anything else.

"So, double date after school? Me and you, Brittany and Artie? Or Britts & I, Artie and you, however you wanna pair it." Santana said with a wink.
"Great!" Santana answers for him before he can respond. "I'll text you the deets."

Santana saunters away and a smile creeps across her lips.
"It's on now, Brittany S. Pierce."


Meanwhile at the Berry Household


"Quinn, what a pleasant surprise." Rachel swings her front door open.

"Surprise? Rachel, you texted me SOS come over right now. So here I am." Quinn crosses her arms.

"You're right. Just a little humor to break the ice. Come in, please. And remove your shoes."

Quinn rolls her eyes and slips her shoes off at the door and steps in.

"Honey? Who's that at the door?" Mr.Berry chimes.

"Dads this is my...friend. Quinn Fabray."

"Mr. Berry. Mr. Berry." Quinn shakes their hands and smiles politely.

"It's a pleasure to meet one of Rachel's friends. It's not too often our ladybug brings a friend home."

"Dad..." Rachel blushes at his choice of nickname.

"Leroy don't embarrass her. Quinn can I get you some tea?"

"Um, no thank you."

"We're going upstairs now." Rachel leads the way and Quinn follows closely behind.

COMPLETED • If I Die Young // A Brittana Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now