Constant Craving

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A/N: Faberry has finally made an appearance. Hope you're enjoying the parallels, there will be a lot between them and Brittana. But, Be prepared for some angst and sad stuff. 😔❤️


"Quinn, before you press play, please make sure the volume is muted. I do not want my dads to hear...that."

"Relax. It's on super low, sometimes the sounds are the best part. You need the full effect." Quinn smirks dragging her finger over one of the videos.

"Hm. I suppose. Well then, as you were."

"So, let's start with something simple. The basics. Easy breezy beautiful, straight porn."

Rachel laughs and slides in closer to Quinn.

"Ready to lose your pornginity?"
Rachel nods and Quinn presses play.

The couple kisses briefly before the guy slides down her body to go down on her.

"Geez, this guy must be in a rush or something. Where's the foreplay?" Quinn grumbles.

"Reminds me of Finn." Rachel pouts a little.

Quinn pauses the video and turns towards Rachel.
"What, the guy?"

"Yup. Whenever we kiss, it's like he's running a race with himself to get to my body. It's hardly enjoyable. He just wants to touch my boobs, I think."

"Rachel, Finn is a boy. You need to tell him exactly what you want. Here, let me look something else up."

Quinn quickly x's out of the video and searches a different one. She turns the screen towards Rachel so she can read it.

"Oh...Um, did you mean to type this?"
Rachel shuffles on the bed.

"I did."

"But why? Are you...?"

"No. I mean, at least I don't think I am. But I think you should watch. Two girls most times have way more passion than a girl and a guy. And a lot more foreplay." Quinn spoke softly.

"Okay. If it'll help me further my knowledge, I'll try it. For research purposes."

"Right. Research purposes." Quinn chuckles and presses play.

She can see Rachel out of the corner of her eye. Her eyes widen at the two women kissing slowly on the screen. Rachel watches with curiosity as their hands roam softly along each curve delicately and thoughtfully. Quinn could see Rachel's cheeks flush bright red. Soft moans could be heard lowly on the speaker coming from both woman as their kiss grew more passionate yet equal. Neither one overpowered the other, and no one rushed. Rachel's mouth hung open slightly and she crossed her legs trying to push down the ache growing between them. Quinn almost thought she could see small sweat beads forming on Rachel's forehead.
"So what do you think?" No response.


"I asked, what do you think?"

"Oh! I...I can surely see what you meant. About...the foreplay..." Rachel trailed as she watched one of the woman move down the others chest to take a breast into her mouth. She bit her lip as she watched and admired the delicacy and precision. It was like she wanted to do it simply for the other woman's pleasure. Not for her own.

COMPLETED • If I Die Young // A Brittana Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now