Stage 5: Acceptance

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Its graduation day.
It's been over a month since I've seen Brittany on the rooftop. When I woke up I was alone. I got sick over the building before I left and I didn't know if I had dreamt it all or what.
But I knew one thing though.
I did have a purpose. I wasn't sure what it was yet but I had to stick around long enough to find out. I had to live for Brittany. It was going to be hard, but it was what I had to do. I'm glad I got to say goodbye to her, face to face. Most people don't get that opportunity when they lose someone.
I finally opened my letters from college. I got accepted to all the schools I applied for. I have to admit, I was happier than I thought I'd be. I know which one I'm going to though. I knew it all along.
My Abuela still hasn't spoken to me, but I'm slowly becoming "okay" with it. It still hurts when I think about it. But Brittany said she would come around, so believe that she will.
On her own time.


"Can you believe we're finally here! I can't believe we made it." Rachel grabs on to arm and squeezes it until it goes numb.

"If you don't let go, I'm not gonna be able to walk because I'll be passed out from lack of blood circulation." I hiss playfully and declaw her from body.

"Sorry. I'm just so excited. And nervous. Quinn why are you so quiet? Are you not happy that we're—

"Babe. Slow down. When you get nervous you talk a lot, when I get nervous I'm quiet. You know this." Quinn murmurs trying to steady her breathing.

I smile to myself faintly at the pet name Quinn gives Rachel. They bicker beside me but all I can think about is Brittany and how she should be walking across this stage with me. We should be graduating together.

"Santana, Come with me please."

Mr. Shue pulls me to the side and I start to panic.

"What? Am I not graduating or something?"

"No no that's not it at all. I had a sort of...surprise for you."

I raise my eyebrow and bite my lip. What could this man possibly be talking about?

"What is it?"

"I wanted to know if you would like to walk for Brittany? The yearbook club told me how upset you were about them not dedicating anything to her memory. So I figured this way, everyone will know how close you two were, and that if she were still with us, she'd be graduating right along with you. But I also have something for you. It's not much, but I hope it makes up for the year book situation."

Mr.Shue hands me a personalized yearbook. On the front cover is says "To Santana Lopez, with love, from McKinley Highschool."
I quickly flip through the pages and I see dozens and dozens of pictures of Brittany and I. Singing, dancing, laughing, and all of the memories we made at school. There are also pictures of the other students with Brittany and some of Brittany by herself. On the last page there were at least 300 signatures. I couldn't believe that would do all this for me. I didn't know so many people cared.

"I promised myself I wouldn't cry today. That I would be strong. But this is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. Thank you so much Mr.Shue."
I lunge towards him without hesitation and squeeze him tightly. He hugs me back then let's go. I pat my face lightly trying to not mess up my makeup.

"I'll hold on to it until afterwards. Go ahead and get back in line."

Mr.Shue grins and goes back to his seat.

"It's our time to shine baby." I look up to the ceiling and blow a kiss, then get ready for our big moment.

"Rachel Berry. Mercedes Jones. Kurt Hummel. Finn Hudson.
The names go on and on for awhile and the crowd roars everytime someone gets called to walk.
And finally. Finally. I hear our names.

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