Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

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A little twist on how Santana deals with Finn outing her to the school.

"Santana? Santana!" Brittany shouted.

"Huh!? What? What?" Santana rubbed her eyes and ruffled her hair. She looked at Brittany then looked at her phone.
"Shit! We're gonna be late for school. We must've slept through my alarm."

Santana jumped off of her bed and ran to her bathroom freshening up quickly brushing her hair into a ponytail and throwing on her Cheerios uniform. Brittany already had hers on when Santana came out her bathroom and her memory started to regain with activities of the previous night. She glanced at Brittany shyly.

"Ready Britt?"
Brittany smiled and nodded and linked her pinky with Santana's. They skipped down the steps and her mom stopped them before they left.

"Ladies, you're all skin and bones, eat something, Por favor?"

"Sue is gonna give us our shakes when we get to school, we're fine!"

"Mija que es eso?" Mrs.Lopez moves Santana's ponytail to the side examining her neck.

"Um...Uh, I burnt myself with the curling iron. Gotta go!" Santana blurted and pushed Brittany out the door and into the car.

"That was a close one. Why didn't you remind me to put makeup on that?" Santana huffed.

"Cause...I like it." Brittany laughed.

"You like me getting in trouble too? Wow Britt."
Santana pulled out of her driveway and sped out of the neighborhood. The car ride was pretty quiet despite the light pop music on the radio. Things began to sink in for Santana. She started to feel uneasy as her feelings became more and more real, to the point where avoiding them wasn't an option.

"So..." Brittany started.

Santana jumped a little. She had been so deep in thought, she almost forgot Brittany was in the car with her.


"Yeah..what about it?"

"You cried and then fell asleep. Why were you crying?" Brittany asked placing her hand on Santana's knee and her breath hitched.

"I...I can't remember." Lie.

"You don't remember why you were crying?"

"Nope." Lie again.

Santana knew exactly why she was crying. But if she said it out loud, who knew what it would change. It just wasn't the right time.
She glanced over at Brittany who seemed a bit disappointed. She couldn't stand that.

"But you know what I do remember?"

Brittany's eyes lit up.

"I remember you making me feel really good and teaching me how to use that fancy toy."

"That was fun. I loved seeing you like that. You looked beautiful."

Her cheeks felt hot and she felt the smile creeping across her face. Why did Brittany have to make her feel like this? She couldn't explain it but everytime she complimented her or made her feel special her feelings would grow. She's falling, doesn't even know it yet.

"Thank you Brittany."

The rest of the car ride is silent and Brittany draws lazy circles on Santana's knee. The bell rings and they rush through the halls. Brittany heads to class while Santana stops by her locker.

"Santana?" A small voice chirps from behind her.

"Ugh...can I help you with something smurfette, or did you get lost on the way to your hole?" Santana barks at Rachel Berry.

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