Helping Hand

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"It's a good thing I always have this handy. You know, in case of emergencies." Brittany jumps up and grabs something out of her overnight bag and hold it behind her back.

"Whatcha got there?" Santana tries to glance over Brittany's shoulder.

"TADAAA!" Brittany cheers waving what looked like a baton, but Santana knew exactly what it was.

"What the hell? Britt, where and when did you get that?" Santana gasped.

"I bought it...From Spencer's. It vibrates too. I love this thing." Brittany switches the vibrate button on and off.

"Okay...and you just carry it around with you? Like everywhere you go?"

"Yeah? Don't you?"

Santana rolled her eyes and sat straight against the headboard as Brittany's eyes trailed up and down her legs making her blush.

"So, first things first." Brittany puts the toy to the side and sits back down on the bed.
"We have to get you wet."

Santana swallowed hard at Brittany's directness. "Uh, Okay. Yeah, duh. I know that." Santana tried to say confidently.

"Wait...can you lock my door first? The last thing I need is mí mama finding us in compromising positions."

Brittany nodded and clicked the doorknob. She slowly got back on the bed carefully not to seem to excited. She straddled Santana who had been looking away.

"Is this okay? Are you comfortable?"

"Yeah.." Santana breathed out finally as her eyes met Brittany's.

"Good." Brittany smiled softly and let her lips lightly brush against the girl under her. Santana felt her body melt into the bed as Brittany leaned a little more to kiss her. It seemed they synced with one another perfectly. The nerves started to melt away from Santana and she moved her hand up to the blondes face to cup her cheek to kiss her deeper. Brittany brushed her tongue along the bottom of Santana's lip and Santana welcomed it willingly. A small moan escaped from the back of her throat and Brittany smiled.
Their lips met over and over and seconds passed but it felt like hours. Breathlessly, Brittany sat up and pulled her shirt over her head and threw it on the floor. Santana watched in amazement. She'd seen Brittany's body before when they changed after practice, but this time was different.

This time she felt a pull in her lower abdomen stronger than she'd ever felt before. Brittany tightened her ponytail and cocked her head to the side at Santana.

"'re blushing." Brittany giggled.

"What? No I'm not!" Santana yelped defensively.

"It's's cute." Brittany said softly reaching down to touch Santana's fingers softly.
A gasp fell from Santana's lips from the soft contact. Her skin suddenly felt like it was burning and she knew her wetness was growing in her most intimate places.

Before Santana could say anything else, Brittany leaned back down and kissed Santana hungrily. Santana was taken back a bit because usually Brittany is so sweet and soft, and Santana was the aggressive one. But this dominant side of Brittany was really turning her on so she decided to go with the flow.
Brittany slid her tongue in Santana's mouth and she sucked on it in return. Brittany groaned and her hands slid under Santana's shirt and her nails scraped her stomach.

Santana's back arched up into Brittany's hands and Brittany began placing soft kissing along Santana's jawline. Santana couldn't help the gasps that escaped her lips as she felt Brittany begin to suck the skin there harshly.

COMPLETED • If I Die Young // A Brittana Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now