You Only Live Once

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"Thanks for doing my hair Santana. How'd you get so good at braiding?" Brittany runs her hands over the top of her head in fascination.

"I dunno. My mom I guess. And my boy cousins. When we moved to Lima Heights we didn't have a TV right away so braiding hair was just a pass time type of thing."

Santana walks over to the other side of the room and looks in the mirror. She sighs and feels guilt rush through her veins as the hours tick by and she has been keeping something from Britt.

"Britt, can I talk to you for a sec?"

"Don't be silly San. You are talking to me." Brittany giggles innocently.

Santana's POV

Fuck. This is gonna be harder than I thought. One minute I'm kissing her and the next I'm going on a date with Puck.
I really need to get my shit together. She can't be too upset though I mean what did she think was gonna happen, we can't just keep kissing for the rest of our lives. We need to hang out with boys like normal girls.

"I mean, like a serious convo. I need to tell you something important." Santana said quietly folding her arms.

Brittany took her seat on Santana's bed and Santana continued to stand.

"Are you nervous Santana?"

"Um no. Why do you ask that?"

"Well, you keep pacing back and's making me dizzy." Brittany gazed as Santana's feet shuffled across the carpet.

"Oh. I didn't even notice." Santana clears her throat. "But um, I'm just gonna come right out and say this...I have...a date."

"A date?"

"Yes. A date....with Puck. Tonight."

I couldn't even look Brittany in the eye when I said it out loud. Even the word date left a weird tast in my mouth. I caught a glimpse of her in the corner of my eye and I really just wanted the floor to open up and swallow me then and there. I could tell she was disappointed, and that killed me.

"Oh." Brittany says dryly. "But what about our karaoke night? You're ditching me for Puck? I didn't even know you were friends."

Santana's face became pale and Brittany's soft voice. Her once bright blue eyes turned a dim gray.

"No, I'm not. I'll make it up to you. I promise! But aren't you happy for me? I mean, after all that shit with Rachel & Finn, a date with a boy is the best thing for my reputation right now." Santana huffed a tad bit defensively.

"I mean, I guess I am happy for you. But you're flaking out on me and he's not even your boyfriend. I could only imagine if he was. He'd probably replace me..." Brittany trailed off.

"Brittany how could you say something like that? No one could ever replace you and you know it."

"Do I though Santana?" Brittany shuffles on the bed turning her back towards her.

"Why are you getting so upset about this? Can you look at me please?" Santana demanded.

"Because I-i I don't know." Brittany stuttered." "I just thought...When we kissed—

"Oh my God. Brittany, will you forget about the fucking kiss! We did it and now it's over. Youre my best friend and that's it! We're not dating and I'm not a lesbian Brittany. Get that through your damn head." Santana shouted more angrily than she would've liked.

Brittany turned back towards Santana silently, her eyes full with tears. Santana's heart immediately sunk. She loved Brittany to death, and she would never want to hurt her. But in this moment Brittany looked as if she'd gotten her heart stomped on by a herd of buffalo.

COMPLETED • If I Die Young // A Brittana Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now