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Based on the "Sexy" episode and the Locker scene with a twist of course. Enjoy!

Rachel notices Quinn standing by her locker and walks up behind her and takes a deep breath.
Quinn turns around slowly and looks at Rachel.


"May I have a word with you, please?"

"You've already had more than a word, but sure." Quinn teases.

Rachel smiles shyly. "Um, I wanted to discuss what happened know, the kiss?"

"Yeah. The kiss." Quinn nodded slowly looking away.

There was an awkward silence as she awaited Rachel's respond.

"What about it Rachel?"

"Can we not tell Finn about it? I mean, although he might find the thought arousing, I'd prefer to just, keep it between us?" Rachel pleaded.

Quinn raises an eyebrow. "Mmm. So you're just gonna take it to the grave?"

"That's correct." Rachel nodded.

"I see. Well, in that case, what kiss, consider it forgotten." Quinn closes her locker and steps around Rachel to head to glee club.

Rachel's face falls and she isn't sure why. That wasn't quite the response she expected. But she should be glad right? She kissed Quinn and still gets to carry on her relationship with Finn. She got to have her cake and eat it too but she's still not satisfied. Rachel puts it in the back of her mind. For now.


Santana's Pov

I walk into the classroom and something is way off. I can't put my finger on exactly what it is but I'm gonna get to the bottom of it. I notice Berry smiling like an idiot and staring into the back of Quinn's head. She's such a weirdo, but I'm intrigued.

"What are you so happy about Berry? Are you wearing new tights or something?" I snicker as I sit down beside her.

"Good morning Santana. What is there not to be happy about? Life is pretty swell if I must say."
I scrunch my nose and roll my eyes at her overwhelming optimism and look to my left. Brittany is hanging all over Artie's lap and I literally think I'm gonna be sick.

"Okay class, so Quinn has brought it to my attention that she had a song she was dying to sing, so let's give her all of our attention." Mr.Shue announces.

"Thanks. Mr.Shue. This is a little off topic but I decided this morning that I wanted to sing it so here it goes. Hit it." Quinn points at Brad the piano player.
He starts playing
You don't know my name x Alicia Keys
On the piano.

I watch as Quinn sings the words and then it starts to finally click. I'm potentially a closeted lesbian and a judgmental bitch which means one thing. I have awesome gaydar.
She's not looking at Finn or Puck while shes singing...She's looking at Rachel. Fucking Rachel Berry!

And it feels like ooh
You don't know my name
I swear, it feels like ooh
You don't know my name...

Oh, baby, baby, baby
I see us on our first date
Doing everything that makes me smile
When we had our first kiss
It happened on a Thursday
Ooh it set my soul on fire

Oh my God this is pure gold. Quinn is literally staring into the windows of Berry's soul and nobody is noticing. I don't miss a beat though. If Rachel's smile gets any wider her face is gonna tear in half. I knew they had the hots for each other, I just knew it.

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