Rumor Has It

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Everyone takes their seats in glee club when Mr.Schue enters the room. The tension is thick between Rachel, Brittany, and Santana.

"Okay everyone, today's assignment is, drum roll Finn....Duets!"

The entire class groans and Mr. Schue shrugs.

"Come on guys I thought you liked doing duets? We're gonna be playing off each other's strengths. With that being said, this is why I also picked the duet partners ahead of time."

The class groans even louder and Rachel stands up to interject.

"Mr.Schue if I may? Now I understand your motive here and might I'd add, I'm sure it's a good one. But do you think that would be the best idea in preparation for regionals?"

"Rachel, I've made up my mind and this is how it is going to be. Now! Once I call your name go sit with your duet partner.

Tina & Mercedes

Kurt & Finn

Blaine & Puck

Sam & Mike

Brittany & Quinn

Last but not least

Santana & Rachel

"What!?" Santana and Rachel both gasp in unison.

"I refuse. Mr.Schue I would like to change partners." Rachel rebuttals.

"For once, I agree with the hobbit. No way I'm singing with Eddie Smurfy."

"Enough. Girls, you both have strong yet contrasting voice. I believe you could create something incredible. IF you both put your pride aside and work together." Mr. Schue finishes.


"No more questions! Get with your partners." Mr. Schue sits down at the piano while everyone switches seats.

Rachel and Santana sit down awkwardly beside each and don't say anything for a moment.

"So I think—

"Let me stop you right there, Berry. Here's how this whole shabang is going to work. We're gonna gets through this duet and then you're never gonna speaks to me again and like Medusa I try to avoid eye contact with you. But just because you know one little secret about me, doesn't mean I won't have something to hold over your head at some point."

"Santana, I don't think about what you do in your free time and quite frankly, I don't care. If you choose to make out with girls in a locker room that has more germs than lockers, then that's your life choice. Even if I would've heard it from somebody else, I would not have blinked twice."

"Would you keep your voice down? And nobody tells you anything because you're a blabber mouth and B we all just pretend to like you."

"I'm gonna choose to ignore that. But if I'm gonna get a solo then we have to—

"Mr.Schue said nothing about solos Rachel."

"You're lying."

"Excuse me Mr.Schue, Misses Berry would like to know when she'll be getting the solo for regionals?"

"You're not getting a solo for this competition Rachel. I was thinking that the winners of our duets competition could take the leads."

"Mr. Schue with all due respect, are you trying throw this?" Rachel hisses as she stands to her feet.

"You used to be just sort of unlikeable. But now, I pretty much feel like punching you every time you open your mouth." Quinn mumbles behind Rachel.

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