stop being disgusting

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in which mike and eleven are faced with an embarrassing question during a game of truth or dare

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in which mike and eleven are faced with an embarrassing question during a game of truth or dare.
june 18th, 1987

mikes pov:

the party was all here today and we didn't have anything to do so i suggested something.

"we should play truth or dare! we don't play often and it be fun to do something  different." i suggested as looked around at the party.

"okay sure, sounds fun to me" will said, while shrugging his shoulders.

"okay, i'll go first!" dustin exclaimed. "okay will, truth or dare?" dustin asked as everyone timed their heads towards will.

"dare!" he said excitedly.

"okay, i dare you to run around the street screaming 'WILL BYERS IS GAY!!' at the top your lungs!" dustin said while laughing, as will rolled his eyes in a smile.

"ugh, okay fineeeee" will said, dragging out the n. he got up and opened the basement door.

he ran around and did his dare, coming back out
of breath and laughing. "that was so embarrassing" will said, as he sat down.

"okay next....mike! truth or dare?" said lucas looking at me and el, wiggling his eyebrows.

"ummmm i guess truth?" i said, cautiously. lucas then looked at me and el and spoke.

"have you ever given el a hickey?" lucas said, smirking as i dropped my jaw.

"umm, no lucas, stop being disgusting!" i said as el blushed and put her hands in her head.

"dude, i can totally see through those eyes. it's in your eyes!" lucas laughed while him and dustin gave eachother a look.

"oh noooooo what are you gonna make us do" i groaned while throwing my head back.

"go play 7 minutes in heaven and you'll see what we were thinking when you get out" dustin said as me and el got up blushing so hard our faces were molded into a smile.

we walked into the closet and me and el looked at each other until i broke the silence with a kiss.

this kiss lasted longer than all the other ones- not saying we haven't made out before, but this one was special. this one was different.

automatically, without thinking, my lips trailed down to her jaw and her neck.

"mike-stop-please" el said as her hands rested on my chest.

"why?" i said as i continued.

"because they are trying to prove a point, me coming out there with a hickey" el said as i slowly pulled away as i realized. i opened my mouth to say something but i got interrupted.

"TIMES UP!" dustin screamed at us as we left the room. we looked like a MESS. my hair was all messed up and el had smeared lipgloss.

"well would you look at that. a hickey! caught red handed bitches" lucas laughed as the rest of the party joins in with me and el looking at each other in embarrassment.

"whatever. at least i have a girl i can give a hickey to" i said to dustin as everyone 'oooo'ed at.

"whatever. let's just continue to play the game." dustin said back, avoiding the situation.

word count: 519
a/n: bold and italic are back! thank god. also this chapter really sucks but i just wanted to get something out for you guys. also i'm now on summer break so i will updating more yayayay! bye loves <3

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