am i dying?!

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in which el starts to grow up

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in which el starts to grow up.
october 27th, 1985

elevens pov:

i had this really bad pain in my stomach.

it felt like someone reached in and twisted my insides all around.

but...i didn't know why?

"mike," i said, looking at him.

"yes el?" he replied, looking back.

"i'm going to the bathroom. i will be right back." i said as i stood up, walking up the stairs.

"okay, i'll wait to start the movie for you." and i gave him a slight grin.

mikes pov:

i was waiting for el, when-


i immediately ran upstairs. what if she was hurt? what if she was dying?

"from where, el? where are you bleeding from?" i asked hurriedly, standing outside of the bathroom door.

"i-i don't want to say!" she replied back, a little embarrassment in her voice.

that's when it hit me.

el had just gotten her first period.

i ran to Nancy's room.

she was sitting on her bed, studying.

i opened the door, she looked up at me, about to say something when i spoke first.

"nancy i really need you to go help el right now. she's just gotten her first period and she has no clue what the heck it is! go help her so she doesn't think she's dying!" i say pointing to the bathroom and nancy starts to get up.

"okay okay chill out i'll go help her" nancy said as she opened the bathroom door. i waited outside of it as well.

elevens pov:

nancy walked into the bathroom with a little "el it's nancy" before opening the door.

i sat on the toilet looking around, scared. i said the first thing that came to my mind.

"am i dying?!?"

she giggled a little before replying. what was so funny?

"no el, you aren't dying. you have just gotten your first period." i looked at her with confusion plastered all over my face.

she kneeled in front of me. "okay, i'll explain. i know you're confused. basically, it's where you bleed out of your private part for about five to seven days each month. it basically just lets you know that you aren't pregnant. it's completely healthy" nancy explained to me as i had gained all this information in me.

"you put these in your underwear to catch the blood" nancy said as she pulled out a diaper looking thingy that said 'menstrual pads' on it. she put one in my underwear for me.

before we walked out, i decided to ask nancy a question.

"why does a period tell you you're not pregnant?" i asked as nancy kneeled back down.

"you have to have your period to allow you to get pregnant" nancy replied, grinning at me.

"but i swear to god, if you get pregnant anytime soon i'm gonna beat mikes ass. you are too young" nancy said through her teeth.

"oh, okay. how are babies made?" i asked, genuinely confused.

"that's a conversation for another time. let's go see mike, he's waiting" nancy replied, so i just nodded not wanting to fight back and walked over to mike.

mikes pov:

i heard everything.

i didn't think it was gonna be that graphic.

the images in my head,

oh god.

word count: 545
a/n: oh my goshsbeisniwkw this was so fun to write! i love these types of oneshots so i decided to make my own. i tried to make el as innocent as possible, so idk how i did but eh. but anyways i hope you enjoyed, bye loves <3

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