each letter represents you

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in which mike writes el a book where he uses every letter and corresponds them to her

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in which mike writes el a book where he uses every letter and corresponds them to her.
june 17, 1995

dear el,

i love you so much, and you remind me of everything.

so i made you this book where i write every letter of the alphabet and correspond them with you.

enjoy, my love.

a - arranging things. when i used to sneak into your bedroom window every sunday night after 9 pm (i still remember our schedule!), i would catch you arranging the things on your dresser because you knew i'd be coming. the time i confronted you about it your face got so red. it was adorable.

b - bananas. the time in 10th grade when you finally figured out why we laughed at you when you ate a banana when you were super hungry (because bananas were your go-to snack!) because of the shape of the fruit made it look like you were- nevermind, you probably remember.

c - clouds. when we went cloud gazing that one november afternoon, and even though we were cold, we still pointed out every shape in the sky we saw.

d - dustin. the many times dustin would make annoying jokes towards us, or tease us, or walk in on us making out. but he still does all of that. and we live alone? i don't even know, dustin has terrible timing.

e - education. when you started school with us freshman year of high school- and finding out we only had 8th period study hall together. but we made up for that by making many trips to the janitor closet.

f - first times. our first kiss, first hug, first time holding hands, first time saying i love you, first time having a fight, first time having sex, first time showing your powers to me, and many more firsts to come.

g - gifts. the time i bought you a promise ring for our anniversary, and you buying me that watch i always wanted for my birthday.

h - holding hands. anytime we'd hold hands at school, we'd be looked at. but that didn't stop us. we'd stop in the middle of the hallway to kiss to tell everyone to "fuck off" without any words.

i - ink pens. the time you wrote all over your hand with ink pens and got ink pens banned from you for a week.

j - jelly. the time i gave you jelly to taste and you thought it tasted absolutely disgusting. i agreed.

k - kiss. everytime we kiss it feels like the first; sparks fly everywhere and i may just love you a little more than i did before that kiss.

l - love. the first time we said i love you, 11th grade year, at the quarry. everyone thought we'd say it earlier but, if i being 100% honest, i didn't have the balls to. but when i did, we said (and still do!) it everyday after that.

m - money. the time you got $600 for 18th birthday and you went shopping and dragged me along to every clothing and makeup store.

n - nightmares. any time you had a nightmare you would call me over your supercom i gifted you that one time for christmas. i would help you calm down and eventually you would fall asleep while i was still talking to you over the supercom, and you would stop responding whenever i pushed the button.

o - octopus. the first time you went to the zoo, september 1985, and you saw an octopus and got scared of its tentacles.

p - period. the first time you got your period, and i had to get nancy because you thought you were dying and i obviously couldn't help you. cause that would be weird. right?

q - queen. when i called you a queen once and you just blushed and did that cute smile of yours.

r - rain. when we danced in the rain for hours that one rainy august before we started school together.

s - sex. the time i taught you about sex because you heard girls talking  about it. i was so embarrassed but so were you.

t - tired. when we were studying at your house one monday night and i went to the bedroom only to come back finding you asleep.

u - underwear. the time nancy found your underwear in my room and she actually beat my ass. like i was dead. i didn't exist anymore.

v - video games. the first time we took you to the arcade and you beat all of our high scores and left us all in shock. but you're just a badass at heart i guess :)

w - water. the time you went swimming with me late at night on your birthday in july and we just sat in the pool looking at the stars, not a care in the world. because you were finally 19!

x - x ray. the time you had to get an x ray because we were having a water ballon fight and you slipped on a wet patch of grass and you broke your pinky toe. out of every bone in your body, your pinky toe! i'll never let you live that one down.

y - you and i. in high school, we were know as "the power couple" so we called ourselves "you and i".

z - zzz's. anytime i'd sleep over and i'd wake up before you, i would just watch your beautiful self sleep for a good 4 minutes before i got up and made us breakfast.

i love you, el. and don't you ever forget that.

love, mike. your soulmate.

wc: 931
a/n: this took so goddamn long because i'm not creative and i wrote this at 2 am and i started at 1 am it took me an hour and i'm tired

also this is inspired by a one shot but i cant remember who's it is

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