Chapter One

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The air was crisp as it played softly through Beverly's long, fiery red hair. Her milky skin almost glowing as the early summer sun shone down on her. Beverly Marsh sat delicately on the stairs of her apartment complex carefully admiring the sun, her naturally pink lips pursed carefully.

"Bevvie! Get in this house right now!"

Beverly shoots up from her sitting position and slowly jogs up the stairs, trying to fight the urge to disobey and stay in the cool 70 degree weather. She pauses, the breeze rustling through the trees giving off flashes of every green possible. Her breath hitches as she admires it.


Beverly shakes her head and blinks her icy blue eyes, making her way back to her shitty home.

She enters the house, throwing open the door harder than she intended to. Her dad's head jerks up from the newspaper he was reading, the corners of his mouth upturn into a small smirk.

"Well hey there Bevvie." He sets his paper down softly and hoists himself onto his feet, "How about breakfast?" Alvin Marsh walks over to Beverly, the smirk still clear on his aged face.

Beverly nods and looks at the floor, her dad stops in front of her. She looks up into his eyes, no sign of actual emotion. Alvin carefully cups Beverly's face, his thumb softly rubbing small circles on her cheek.

Beverly pulls back, breaking the contact. She gives him a forced smile and makes her way over to the kitchen before her dad's anger swells.

He stands there dumbfounded as Beverly throws some bacon in a pan.

"Now Bevvie," Alvin makes his way into the kitchen as well, grabbing Beverly softly by the waist, "What was that about?"

Beverly cringes and shrugs him off as she reaches for an egg. The smell of bacon fills the air as Alvin's anger grows at her. He is not used to being ignored.

Alvin slams his hand down, causing the bowl of pancake batter to crash to the floor. The batter sprays across the floor, Beverly gasps softly and immediately goes to pick up the bowl.

"Oh, I am sorry Bevvie." Alvin apologizes sarcastically, "Make more.." He spats as he walks back to the living room.

Beverly wipes hair out of her face as tears swell in her eyes and threaten to spill.

"But-we don't have anymore mix," She replies, her voice cracking as she ends the sentence.

Alvin stops, his hands tightening into fists. He turns around slowly to look at Beverly. Tears drip down her face silently, her knees and hands covered in batter.

Alvin walks over to Beverly and harshly grabs her by her long ponytail, ripping her off the floor.

"Did I fucking ask?" His grip tightens, causing Beverly to softly cry out in pain. "I told you finish breakfast. I expect it done by the time I'm done in the bathroom, if it isn't, you'll be in such deep shit that you'd wish you weren't even born."

He throws Beverly to the floor with a splat as she lands on the fallen pancake mix. Her dad walks off as she closes her eyes. Her charcoal eyelashes drenched in tears.

"I hope you drown in the fucking toilet." She whispers as her dad slams the bathroom door.

Woah omg, I actually did writing??!! Omg
*For the First Time in Forever plays distantly*
I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I fracking wrote 550 words?!! I really hope this book does well! Please enjoy it and keep reading!! Love you meh penguins!!
-Your Lovely Author❤️🎈

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