Chapter Two

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The sun shone brightly over head as Bill Denbrough carefully lugs his huge bike, Silver, out of his garage. He swings his long leg over the seat, mounting it with such grace you'd never expect it(considering the fact this bike is about two sizes too big for this kid).

He pedals recklessly, the bike jerking from side to side. The bike continues to jerk until it finally straightens out, the bike catches speed his auburn hair shining in the bright sun.

"HI-YO SILVER, AWAYYYYYY!!!" Bill screams loudly, the cards in his bike spokes clipping harshly in the wind.

"HI-YO SILVER, AWAYYYYY!!!" Bill screams again, his eyes crinkle as the corners of his mouth upturn in a big silly grin.

He pedals faster, his arms locked, until any person walking by would see a blur. As he comes up by Beverly's apartment, he sits back on his bike to slow to a stop. He dismounts his bike and jogs up the stairs.


Bill flinches as he reaches Beverly's apartment door. Something crashes loudly against the door, a small yelp of pain follows. Bill immediately rapped harshly against the door, his heart now in the deepest pit of his stomach.

The house is silent minus the small whispers and creaks here and there. Bill looks down at his feet, hoping desperately that Beverly isn't injured.

Just as Bill is about to leave, the lock scratches and the door is pulled open revealing Alvin Marsh standing tall and proud in the doorway.

"Hello, how may I help you?" He asks snootily, his nose slightly upturned at Bill.

"H-hi y-y-hes...I-I-em B-b-b-b-hill D-den-b-b-hrough, i-is Beverly h-huh-ome?"

Al's eye twitches ever so slightly, the fake smile now engraved in his aging skin. His lightly sweaty face only visible when he shifts into the light.

"She is not home." He smirks, looking Bill down in disgust.

Bill didn't realize that his image; scabby knees, a flannel, cut shorts, side swept hair, and dingy tennis shoes; were disgusting. Bill ignored Al, determined to check in on Beverly.

"A-are y-y-ya-you s-s-hure?" He licked his sweaty lips anxiously, "I-I-f s-s-h-he I-isn't h-huh-ome, w-w-hy I-is s-s-he s-s-st-handing be-h-h-ind y-y-hou?"

Alvin jerks his head back, expecting to see his little Bevvie standing in the entrance of the hallway. But before he can look back outside, Bill sprinted inside the house to Bev's room.

"GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE STUTTERING RAT!" Alvin roared in anger. His foot steps loudly echoing through Bill's pleads and yells after Beverly.

Beverly's door flies open, causing Bill to fall backwards. Beverly grabs his red and black flannel by the collar, dragging him into her room.

"CLOSE THE DOOR!" Bill screams loudly.

Beverly kicks the door closed from a sitting position, her small milky legs forcing it shut. She pounces after the knob, locking it tight. She backs away from the door just as her dad's fists collide.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Alvin's fists collide with the door again, the bang causes Bill to jump slightly.

Beverly sits on the floor by the door, her dark eye lashes wet with tears. Bill stares, taking in every inch of Beverly's presence. Her fiery red hair, her beautiful icy blue eyes which are partially covered by her charcoal eye lashes, her light milky skin, her scabbed knees, the splash of light brown freckles dotting her nose and cheeks, the small black and yellow bruises on her light pink cheeks, and finally, her naturally pink lips, for which he wanted to kiss so badly at this time and moment.

Bill licks his lips nervously as he twiddles his thumbs thoughtfully. He looks down just as Beverly looks up, her icy eyes staring at the person that was just admiring her. The worst part is, she didn't know the one person she loved more than anything, absolutely and utterly loved her back.

January Embers, My Heart Doesn't Burn There(Billverly)Where stories live. Discover now