Chapter Fifteen

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The four losers have been walking for quite some time now; all of them were absolutely exhausted, but they knew they couldn't afford to stop...two of their friend's lives were at risk and they had to stay strong. Beverly attempted to contact to Bill often on the trip - but all she got back was haziness, meaning he was caught in the lights just like Eddie. Because of this, the four losers felt ridiculously groggy.

"Gawddam loves et smeols like shiet." Richie cringed as some wet toilet paper floats on the surface of the water, "This is actually disgusting.." 

Bev rolls his eyes, "Of course it's disgusting...what would Eddie be saying right, 'g-guYS the amount of brown water is ridiculous! W-we could get an infection!'" 

Richie chuckles, his heart fluttered a little bit at the thought of Eddie being here, "He says grey water...he would be freaking out about how grey the water is and how we could get listeria or a staph infection...get your facts straight bEv."

Beverly sticks her tongue out at Richie, "Meh meh, beep beep Richie. How could I get facts straight about someone who's not?...and plus, I'm not the one obsessed with this kid and can recall everything he's ever said to me."

"Ok so??! I'll have you kn-"

"Ok guys enough!" Mike interrupts, "Just marry each other already!"

Richie and Beverly both whip there heads at Mike with the most disgusted look on their faces.

"Wh-" Beverly starts, "I would kill him before the ceremony."

Richie nods, "Yeah, yeah that's very true...I would be a dead man." 

Mike stopped, his grip tightening on the map, "Guys..."

Bev and Richie were planning their 'wedding' while Ben was laughing at Bev's threats to Richie's life, they barely noticed Mike stopped until Richie almost ran straight into the back of him.

"Mike, what's going o-"

"Shut the fuck up.." He looked around quickly, "Did you guys hear that?"

The three others shook their heads in confusion, "Mike...what is it?" Beverly says as she walked up to him, placing her hand delicately on his shoulder. 

A loud echoing bang sounds from deep into the sewer, causing the four of them to jump. 

"It sounds like it's coming from there." Mike choked out as he pointed to the path in front of them.

Richie let out a very weak chuckle, "I hope it's just some sort of animal or so-"

Richie gets cut off by a blood chilling laugh of mock joy, followed by another bang - except this time, the bang seeming come from all around them.

Bev's grip on Mike tightened, her hand reached out for Richie's and Mike pulled Ben in closer - so they were all in a small huddle, so close they could feel their breaths down each other's necks. 

"Guys, back to back...just in case something comes up to u-" 

Mike cut himself off with a scream as he's violently pulled under the sewage water, the flashlight in his hands being flung into the air. Beverly screams as Ben and Richie stare in shock.

"OH FUCK OH SHIT AH..MIKE??" Beverly shouted out, she got onto her knees - feeling around for Mike. The two others were frozen in shock and fear, Richie could barely even speak as Bev frantically searched. After about a minute or two, Beverly's hand grazed against something.

She sighed in relief as she started to stand up to pull Mike from out of the water, but something didn't feel right...Mike seemed, lighter. As she stood up, a single arm emerged from the water - causing Beverly to scream loudly. The yellow raincoat with the ruined bloody fabric was all too familiar to them. Beverly threw the arm as far as she could, her hands shaking while trying to forget the feeling of Georgie's cold and dead fingers. 

"Guys..." Richie adjusted his glasses quickly while pulling Ben and Bev closer to him, "I didn't hear a splash.."

Bev's heart dropped into her stomach as she fumbled for her flashlight, she hesitantly shone the light in front of the four losers. Her shoulders relaxed when the light revealed no one was there, the only problem was they were missing Mike...who they most definitely need.

Richie used his own flashlight to double check, because it still didn't feel right to him. He shone his flashlight to the same place Beverly had her's and saw nothing, he deeply regretted shining his light up to show the ceiling of the sewer. A red balloon rested delicately against the stone with the words "IT needs blood, IT won't be stopped until blood is spilled" in bolded white, the arm that Beverly found trapped inside of the balloon. Richie gagged, bringing his flashlight down as quickly as possible. 

"We need to move..." Richie announced as he grabbed both Ben and Bev by their arms, ", the faster we find Bill and Eds the safer we are all going to be."

Beverly yanked her arm away from Richie, "No..!" She licked her lips, her grip tightening on her flashlight, "What about Mike!"

Just as she said that, Mike popped up from under the water - gasping and coughing as he attempted get the taste out from the back of his throat. 

"Mike!" Beverly rushed down to him and pulled him into a big hug, she pulled away and swiped a piece of hair out of her face, "What happened?"

Mike coughed once more and inhaled deeply, "Whatever pulled me down held me there, I don't know why it did, but I fought it...I then realized that it was obviously IT doing I stopped fighting, to show I wasn't scared. I saw you searching, but I couldn't move - I wanted so badly for you to find me. I was running out of air and it was getting hard to remember I needed to stay calm...and then it finally let me go...and now here I am."

Bev exhaled and pulled him into another hug, Richie let out  huge sigh of relief.

"Hey, don't scare us like that again..." He smiled, "We really need you.."

Mike chuckled and motioned for Beverly to stand up, "I will definitely keep that in mind." He stood up and squeezed out his shirt, "Ok...let us go find these losers."


Hey guys - sorry for the lack of posting but I had a huge writer block so yeah...i hope this is a decent chapter! I tried to add a little but of spook to it :) i hope you guys enjoy! thank you to everyone who is patient and still read/vote on my chapters :') you all are deeply appreciated. Love you guys!!

-your lovely author, Eds Spaghets :) 💕

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2020 ⏰

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