Chapter Three

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Beverly sits with her back against her door, afraid her dad will somehow get it.

"You know you're an idiot for doing that, right?" Beverly says softly, her eyes creased slightly as her pink lips stretch into a nice smile.

Bill's face erupts into a goofy grin, his tongue one again sliding across his lips. His eyes flick to Beverly, "I needed to s-s-hee if you were o-ok." He rubs the moisture off the back of his neck and continues, "I was g-g-hunna ask I-f y-hou wanted to g-g-ho to the Quarry..b-b-hut I heard y-y-you." Tears drop down Bill's tomato red face, "Y-y-hou sounded like you w-w-her in..p-p-p-hain." The blush deepens as spit flies everywhere, his eyes flick to Bev's icy ones. He wipes his mouth, "I-I-I l-l-l-hove y-you..."

Beverly's mouth drops open, her cheeks tinge pink. Tears swell under her eyes and threaten to spill, she covers her mouth with her hand in shock.

"Bill, I-"

A large hole is bashed through the door, her dad peers in fuming with anger.

"Hiya Bevvie." He looks over at Bill, his face twisted in an ugly sneer. "And hello, you disabled and retarded rat."

Beverly stands up, crying things to her father, who carelessly pushes her down to the floor. He steps through the hole in the wall and walks to Bill.

"What are your intentions with my girl?" He grabs Bill by the collar of his red and black flannel, twisting just enough to make it difficult to breath for Bill. "You don't deserve a beautiful girl like her, you disgust me."

He throws Bill onto the floor, finally allowing him to breath. Bill hacks loudly, his face as red as his hair. Al swings his leg back and kicks Bill harshly in the stomach.

"I don't allow my girl to date retards." He kicks Bill again, causing him to immediately fall into a pit of coughs and hacks, which drown out the wails and protests.

"Daddy! Leave him alone!!" Beverly's shriek startles her dad, allowing Bill to sit up painfully.

"You-" He looks at Bill, dark blood dripping from the corner of his mouth. "-You like him Bevvie?" Al backs up, waking to Beverly. His hand immediately going to her cheek.

Beverly flinches softly as he starts rubbing circles on her slightly bruised cheek.

"I-i thought you loved me, Bevvie?" Beverly winces, a small whimper escapes her as he rubs her cheek harder. "I thought you loved ME, BEVVIE!??" Tears are now streaming down Beverly's face, a loud slap rings through the room as Al's unoccupied hand collided with Bev's face.

"S-stop!" Bill stutters our weakly.

"I need you to take your pants off, you know, to check if you're still intact." He whispers, unzipping his pants.

Bill stumbles up and pounces on Al, knocking him down to the floor.

"RUN BEV!!" He screams as Al grunts in pain, "RUN!!!"

Bev pulls herself off the floor and runs for the door, tripping over herself as she desperately tried to distance herself from her insane father.

Bev pulls the door open, only to hear Bill scream out in pain. Beverly slams the door shut, running after Bill.

Ooooh cliff hanger🤣😱😈
I hope you all are enjoying the story! I can't believed I pushed out TWO CHAPTERS today!! Please vote and comment your opinion!
Love ya meh penguins!
-Your Lovely Author❤️🐧

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