Chapter Ten

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Beverly's body ached deeply, her stomach screaming for food and her tongue resting painfully in her mouth; she heavily regretted not eating anything yesterday. The light around her brightened as the sun rose, lighting up every suspicious figure from last night. The woods still looked unfamiliar, despite that; Beverly stood and continued to walk.


Her heart clenched with longing. All she wanted was to be in his arms; warm, protected, happy. She attempted to shrug off the thought of Bill, but unluckily; he forced himself back into her mind. Despite Bill's kidnapping, a strong flame burned inside of her; assuring her he was still breathing.

Beverly stopped, a small smile formed on her face, she listened closely. The bubble and rushing of the stream echoed quietly.


Beverly started to run, her heart thumping excitedly in her chest; she follows the sound eagerly. Her heart jumped as the stream came into view. She breathed out a chuckle, when she was five steps away from the stream; a large force pushed her from the side. She screamed loudly as she hit the ground, Alvin's face inches from her own.

"Oh Bevvie, why are you here? My little girl, my...beautiful...girl.."

Beverly's face contorts with fear as she lets out another scream, tears stream down her cheeks as Alvin shoves his lips roughly onto hers; muffling her scream. She squirms and bucks her body, desperately trying to get him off of her. He disconnects the kiss and stares into her icy blue eyes.

"Oh Bevvie, you're so gorgeous; you make me want to do things, things that is frowned upon." He licks his lips eagerly as he unbuckles his belt, completely unfazed by Beverly's struggle. He grabs Bev's arms and pins then down with one hand as he pulls his pants off with his other. He adjusts himself and smiles, beads of sweat dripping down his forehead.

"S-so, pretty." Alvin gasps out, he pulls Bev's dress up with his free hand and rips off her underwear. He holds both hands above her head as he adjusts his position. Beverly takes the opportunity to bring her knee up.

Alvin lets out a loud high pitched scream as her knee collided with his ballsack. She pulls herself out from under him, jumps to her feet, and runs. Her heart clenches in fear as she runs away from Alvin's contorting body; Alvin seizes and jerks violently as his skin turns from sienna to ghost white, his eyes roll into the back of his head, and his hair grows and turns a jolly orange. His eyes roll back to place, glowing a dangerous and predatory yellow. Pennywise smiles, he gets up as Beverly runs in fear.

"Oh Beverlyyyyy...."

Beverly sticks to the stream, sadistic chants crescendo as Pennywise nears.

"Oh! Come on Bevvie! I don't wanna hurt ya!! I just want you to float...floooat along with Stan and Eds! They'll enjoy your company! They neeed your company Bevvie!!!"

She continues to run, her heart yearned for Bill; he would know what to do in this situation. She was scared and confused. She desperately wanted assistance; she slid into a small burrow, whimpering in fear. She pushed herself as deep as she would go; she desperately prayed that she was invisible from any eyes on the outside. She sat as the chants quieted.


Bill's eyes fluttered open, darkness engulfing everything around him. He scoffed as he sat up, his head throbbing painfully.

"Of, uh-of c-cuh-course this h-huh-happened, everything w-wuh-wruh-wrong happens..." He muttered quietly, he climbed to his feet as his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he stumbled; quickly grabbing the wall for support. "Guh-g-great...n-nuh-now, now Im d-dis-disabled..." he used the wall for support as he walked, his curiosity getting the best of him.

His eyes traveled around his surroundings; the air stunk of decay and urine and the light around him was dim and grey. He sighed, he was stuck in the sewers. He continued to use the wall for support as he limped blindly and with every step he took, a loud and disgusting squelch sounded. It almost felt like he was walking on flesh, he shivered and vowed to himself he wouldn't look down. 

A quiet scrape echoed eerily through the sewers, he looked down only to discover a flashlight; he stiffly bent down and reached for it, before he could grab it; a waterlogged arm lifted from the murky water and gripped Bill's wrist tightly. The sound of bones crunched as the grip tightened, Bill yelped in fear as he desperately attempted to remove the arm. Another crack sounded, Bill jerked his head over, the owner stared menacingly at him; his face was pale and filled with blue veins, his eyes were an eerily recognizable grey. 

"Oh Billy....come float with me.." Eddie gurgled out, drips of crimson blood dripped from the corner of his mouth as he smirked evilly, "Come on Billy, i-it'll b-buh-be fun!"

Bill's eyes filled with tears, his heart pounded loudly in his chest as Eddie attempted to convince him to "come and float" ...Bill bit his lip and pulled back from Eddie's tight grip..

"No.." Bill declared loudly

Eddie's smirk fell from his face a little bit, he was obviously confused. "Oh Buh-Billy, don't be a puh-pussy.."

Bill let out a pathetic chuckle, "Y-yuh-you're not E-ed...E-eddie would n-nuh-never make fun of my st-stuh-stutter." Bill jerked back and kicked upwards, his foot connecting with Eddie's chin. Eddie yowled animalistically, Bill felt his foot sink into Eddie's rotting flesh; he gagged as he dislodged his foot from Eddie's throat. He turned on the flashlight, doubled over and gagged more aggressively, a small line of vomit dribbled from his mouth; the entirety of the sewer floor was completely covered in corpses, most of the corpses seemed to be about 5-12. Bill finished vomiting and limped forward, the corpses' grey waterlogged skin squelching and squishing with every step he took. Bill started to cry, the Losers Club was slowly being pulled apart; his only friends were dying because of him. With the thought of his friend's death and the corpses, Bill felt completely alone and hopeless. He failed the Losers Club, he was pathetic and he should have never been leader. He missed Eddie and Stan, who he'll never see again except in his memories; he misses Richie, Mike, and Ben..who he literally doesn't know where they went. And of course, he misses Beverly; he would give anything to kiss her on the lips and hug her close.

"No...I will not pity myself, I need to find them...I need to save them from this perverted monster..." Bill tightened his lips in a firm line and stood a little straighter, he was going to save his friends no matter what it took.

January Embers, My Heart Doesn't Burn There(Billverly)Where stories live. Discover now