Chapter Thirteen

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The night went by painfully slow. Bev and Richie fell asleep engulfed in each other's arms, the fire causing strange shadows to dance upon their sleeping bodies. Ben sat close to Mike, his eyes carefully trained on Beverly. Mike studied Ben's face thoughtfully before speaking.

"You like her, don't you?" 

Ben quickly averted his gaze from Bev, he trained his eyes on the floor and sighed. They sat in silence for a few moments, the only sound being the crackling and popping of the fire and the sounds of the forest. Ben licked his lips and sighed once more.

"I- ugh.." He rested his forearms on his knees and bowed his head, almost like he was praying. "Yes.." He picked his head up and stared straight at the sky, his eyes glistening in the light of the fire. "Yes..yes I fucking like her.." He looked back down, his eyes now trained back onto Bev, "I love her with all my heart." His voice became softer when he looked at Bev, there was a small smile on his face. He sniffed and looked at Mike, a small tear rolled down his cheek, "I love her...I love her so much Mike...but she likes Bill, I know she does..and that's okay. Even if I don't get to be with her...I still like to see her happy. Her smile is enough for me...even if that smile is for someone else." 

Ben sniffed again, wiping a tear with the heel of his hand. He chuckled softly and looked at the floor again, "When we get Bill back, I'll be happy. Cause I know she's gonna be happy..."

Mike smiled, he put a hand on Ben's large back, "You're a good guy, Ben...any girl would be lucky to have you." 

Ben chuckled again as Mike patted his back, "We should get some sleep, so we could have enough energy to fuck up this clown."

"Yes.." Mike smiled at Ben, "Yes we should..."



A small drop of water dripped lightly on Beverly's cheek, causing her to wake up. Beverly takes in the scene before her; Mike was resting his head on Ben's shoulder, who was laying up against  a tree, Beverly found herself in Richie's arms - which shocked her because of how tight he was holding on, it wasn't uncomfortable, it was actually quite comforting. She smiled to herself; the soft drizzle of rain was calming and the chirp of the birds made her feel warm inside.


A shot of pain shot through Beverly's head, she gasped as slapped her hands to her ears. Richie jolted awake and sat up. 

"Bev..? What's wr-" Richie cut off as he let out a pained groan, he slapped his own hands over his ears and Mike and Ben did the same. A scream of pain echoed loudly through their minds, causing all of them to physically cringe. 

The scream was so aggressively loud that the Losers could barely make out what it was saying. 


The voice was violently sobbing, sobs that aggressively jolt the body and cause your lips to quiver uncontrollably. Beverly found herself screaming along with Bill's, her heart sunk low into her stomach and her blood ran icy. She was terrified, her Bill was in immense pain...and she couldn't do anything. What if IT killed him too?


The pain went away, which allowed him to be able to open his eyes; despite that, he still heard the ear piercing scream...he looked up and saw Beverly on her knees, her nose almost touching the dirt as she screamed, her throat growing hoarse. He quickly got up and pulled her into a tight hug.

January Embers, My Heart Doesn't Burn There(Billverly)Where stories live. Discover now