Chapter Fourteen

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(Hey guys, I'm so sorry for not coming out with this sooner - i've been really busy :'))


"Ok ok, I fully trust your genius - cause I am not a racist...but may I ask this one question. Whe' tha' fook are wee?" 

Mike rolled his eyes at Richie, "Ok, listen up.." Mike stopped, turned to Richie and sighed, "...asking me where we are every 10 minutes is not going to get us there any faster, we haven't even been walking for that long."

Richie pushed his glasses up with his thumb, "Oh yeah? How do you know that, smart one? No one has a watch...that works anyways, my watch broke a long time ago."

Ben smiled, " one, before we left - I did the whole 'learning how to read the sun' so we wouldn't lose track of time. Right now it's about noon, and since it's summer - we need to make sure to stop for water every now and then because it's going to get really hot and we can't have anyone dying on us." 

Mike, Ben, and Bev all started walking again - leaving Richie standing there with his mouth open in shock, "...and you're just nOW fucking telling us about this??" He quickly ran his fingers through his hair and jogged to catch up with the group, "There were multiple times where I asked what time it was, and no one could've told Ben to tell me?"

"It was funny seeing you confused." Mike replied without emotion, his eyes never leaving the map.

"Ah so I see, bully the Trashmouth - I got it.." Richie wiped a fake tear from the corner of his eye, "..I see how it is." His voice cracked before falling into a pit of extremely dramatized sobs.

Bev was holding back laughter as Mike was obviously growing more annoyed, "Richie...are the sobs necessary?" 

Richie gasped, "Of course they are!" He walked up to Mike and dramatically threw himself onto him, his hands grasping his shoulder tightly, "You guys kEPT stuff from me! Of course I'm going to CRY!" 

Mike smiled as Richie went on, "Well...if you don't want us to keep stuff from you, we are here."

Richie whipped his head up to see, and sure enough - there was the entrance to the sewer. Ben reached into his pocket and pulled out four pocket sized flashlights and passed them out.

"They may be small..." he scratched the back of his head as Richie turned his on pointed towards his face, "...but they're pretty powerful.." He finished as Richie shrieked in surprise, blinking his eyes so he can see again. 

"So basically...Richie's dick? Small but mighty?" Beverly questioned as they walked over to the opening of the sewer.

"HEy! What do you MEAN like my dick!?" Richie defended as Mike and Ben fell into a fit of hysterics. "My dick is NOT small!! I'll let you know for a fact that I am a grower, NOT a show-er!!" 

That phrase only made the three laugh harder, leaving Richie standing there with a red face as he desperately attempted to defend his dick. 

"Ok want proof?? Ask Eddie when we get him back - his mom is very familiar with my dick size." 

The three howled in laughter as the four all entered the sewer, not knowing this was going to be one of the worst trips they've had in there entire life. Meanwhile, Bill and Eddie waited - both put into the deadlights to be preserved until they were able to properly fear the thing that so desperately wanted to be feared by all, and even possibly to be used as pawns to weaken the other four.


Hey guys! Again, I am so sorry I haven't updated...I've been busy and all ahah. I am going to try and publish another chapter today - hopefully. Thank you for your patience and I really hope you enjoy this story. This chapter was kind of quick and simple, the next chapter I am hoping to add a lot more action and pain and all that jazz so stay tuned :) again thank you for being patient and voting on my chapters, it really makes me feel cool that some people enjoy my writing in the first place - thank you for the support and again I apologize for not updating all that much..cause it's been like a whole 2 months since I last updated ahah :')

-your lovely author (eds spaghets :D)

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