Chapter Four

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Bill groans in pain as Al's foot connects with his jaw. Blood sprays over the wooden floor of Beverly's room.

"You fucking retard." He kicks him again. "You stay away from my girl, she's only mine. Mine! She doesn't like fuckers and mistakes like you." Sweat dribbles down Al's forehead as he kicks Bill, his groans of pain fill the room. "You fucking retard. She's mine!"

Tears stream down Bill's bruising face, the door creaks softly, Beverly's elegant body figure filling the entrance.

"Leave him the fuck alone." Beverly cries, her voice quivering fearfully.

Al kicks Bill as hard as he could, earning a loud cry to escape from his now fat lip.

"Oh Bevvie.." Al walks over to Beverly, unbuckling his belt slowly and wrapping it around his white, sweaty hand. "I need you to take your pants off deserve a punishment for your behavior.." He approaches her, the belt tight in his hand. "You have misbehaved, and I don't like that. You should be ashamed of yourself Bevvie."

Beverly stares angrily at her dad, her jaw clenched. She looks him down in disgust as he had done with Bill outside. "I think you're the one that needs a punishment." She says pulling off her own belt. She loops the thick brown belt around her trembling white hand. "I have put up with your shit too long, daddy." Whap, the sound echoes through the quiet room as Beverly's belt connects with her dad's arm.

"Bevvie.." He warns dumbly. "You're making a huge mistake." His hand tightens around the belt as he swings. Beverly dodges, returning the blow.

"NO! You're making a huge mistake! This is why your fucking WIFE left you!" She swings again, the belt connecting with his belly, "I'm 100% DONE with your shit! I live in fear everyday! I feel how a rat feels spotting a cat, frozen! I'm afraid my own fucking father is going to rape me until I can't feel down there because I am YOUR..LITTLE..GIRL..! OR YOU WANT TO PROVE A FUCKING POINT TO WHOEVER! And it is SUPPOSEDLY for the fucking best. You hurt the only person that I have ever actually cared about and that is not fucking ok. You're a fucking coward." She brings the belt down on her dad's knee hard enough to make him fall to the floor with a loud bang. "Why don't you go pick on someone that is your own size and fucking gender." She tightens her grip on the belt, tears splashing over her bruised cheeks.

"Oh couldn't have meant all that." He stands up, seemingly unharmed. He walks over to Beverly who brings the belt down hard on his outstretched arm. He winces and backs up a little bit, his eyes filled with what seems to be lust. Beverly backs up, the belt so tight around her hand that it starts bruising and bleeding.

Al turns around and grabs Bill harshly off the floor, his hand flying down to Bill's pocket and pulling out what could only be the knife he found in the Barrens. Beverly hands fly to her mouth to hide the loud gasp. Al flicks open the switch blade, pressing it against Bill's pale throat.

"Oh Bevvie..why would you say and do something like that?" He presses the knife against Bill's throat, small beads of blood grow and drip down onto Bill's flannel. He winces in pain as Al continues. "That was a big mistake. Do you really think that your mom left me?" He licks his lips while staring at Beverly, his eyes wild and hungry for more. "I fucked your mom, she didn't like that. I asked why she didn't want to, and she mention someone named Norbert. That..HE fucked her better than I could ever do. So I killed her, tied a rope around her fucking throat and threw her out of the window." He mimics a dead face as he tilts his head to the side, "She died immediately, her neck snapping like a small twig. That fucking slut got what she fucking deserved. And after I was done with her, I hunted down this Norbert fellow. I followed him everyday and found out he was the owner of that corner drug store. I killed him too." He brings his hand to his head in the shape of a finger gun. "Bullet went right through his skull. And if you don't want to end up like you slut of a mother, then you'll listen to me."

A small sob escapes Beverly's lips; her dad holding Bill by his beautiful auburn hair, his light swollen pink lips shiny with spit as he repeatedly lick them out of fear, his blue eyes wide in fear as Al readjusts his grip on the switchblade, his flannel ripped by the collar, and his dorky shorts which looked like cut jeans. Beverly gulps softly as she drops the belt weakly, her eyelashes drenched in tears of defeat.

"Fine.." Her voice cracks, "You win..I'll listen, just let him go." She shoved her hands into her pockets, to keep them from trembling harder than they already were.

"Bev! N-n-" Al throws Bill down to the floor, interrupting his words. Al walks over to Bev, his hand immediately going to her cheek.

"I knew you-" Beverly screams loudly as she jerks her hand out of her pocket, she jerks her hand down causing the knife to stab through Al's jacket and flesh.

Al falls to the floor, gasping and spluttering. Blood pours out of the knife wound as Beverly yanks the knife out of her father's chest. She runs over to Bill, swinging his arm over her shoulder and pulling him out of the room.

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-Your Lovely Author:)🐧

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