Chapter Nine

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"BEVERLY!" Eddie's voice cracked, straining his voice and causing his throat to burn.

Usually, Eddie could navigate well; but for some reason, he felt absolutely lost. Tears swell in his eyes as the sun drops below the horizon.

"B-Beverly..." Eddie sighed as tears rolled down his filthy cheeks, he collapsed to the floor in complete exhaustion.

He pulls his knees to his chest and sobs, the jolts of his body causing pain to shoot though his nerves; causing him to cry more.

The sunlight dies quickly, the darkness engulfing Eddie's small and weak figure. Fear settled into Eddie's chest, draining the air from his lungs.

His sobs slowly quieted and turn into wheezes, his eye lids drooped from the events from the day. He drags himself to a tree stump and laid himself against it. He sighed and wiped his face, his mom is probably worrying right now. He looks at his watch, the little numbers switched and the time read 8:55.

Eddie knew his mom, if he wasn't back by 6:50; she'd have a bird. So with this, the cops would've been called already.

Eddie felt hope and adrenaline flood through his body, the cops must be coming. His mommy would never let him be out this late.

He smiled to himself, soon enough; he'll be in his mother's large arms. A bear hug almost too tight for his frame, suffocatingly protective.

Eddie's hope faded quickly as a sharp, searing pain ripped through his head; making him feel lightheaded and dizzy.

"Oh! Wheezy!!! Do you reaaaally think your dear old mommy will come to your rescue? Well aha, that's where you're wrong!"

Eddie let out a weak gasp of pain as Pennywise's voice echoed through his mind, his deceptive voice seemingly being whispered into his ears. He clamped his hands onto his ears and clenched his eyes tightly. He's only had one bad migraine in his entire life, he wasn't able to leave his room for two days; this was worse..way worse.

Tears swelled in the corner of his eyes as the voice continued. Attacking every hope that blossomed in this boy's heart.

"Oh Wheezy, you're mommy isn't coming! She's having a teeee-riffic time in the bathtub! You know how much your mommy loved a bath and her muscle relaxers. But shh! Don't tell anyone! With your disappearance, mommy needed a little more than one pill! One pill turned into two! And then two to the entire bottle! And dear old mommy couldn't take the pain of her little Eds Eds missing! So she painted her wrists red! Oh red! What a pretty color! Don't you like the color red Wheezy?"

Eddie screamed out into the woods, his heart broken. A pain he's never felt so severely in his life. He shook his head in denial.

"NO! MY MOM WILL NEVER..." He sobbed, his knees caked in dirt and cut by sticks. Every sob caused Pennywise's smile to grow. The fear of the small boy causing him to salivate. He let out a spine shivering giggle, the bells on his silver clown suit jingling melodically.

"Oh Eddie....would you care to float?"

Eddie looked up, his face twisted with anger as the pale clown stood before him. The clown's blood red lips curled into a sadistic grin.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!!" Eddie screamed loudly, his ears still clamped over his ears protectively. Pennywise giggled again, he walked slowly over to Eddie until he was inches away from his face.

"You will never be alone...I will always follow you..always haunt you..I will drive you to complete and utter madness. Madness to the point you want to paint the bathroom with many different shade of red!" He clutched Eddie's face with his gloved hand, the fabric of the glove soft against Eddie's dry and cracked face. "You will wish you were never born."

He pulled Eddie up by the throat until his feet kicked and flailed inches from the ground, Eddie's gasps and chokes for air echoing loudly throughout the forest. Pennywise laughed loudly, tightening his grip around the boy's throat.

"You will wish you were NEVER born!" He spat out, violently shaking Eddie with every word.

Eddie's arms went up to Pennywise's hand in a desperate attempt to relieve the pain. His throat tightened and his lungs burned, the worst asthma attack he's ever had..except, he won't survive this.

He breathes in a choked sob, he looked directly into Pennywise's menacing yellow eyes, "y-you...y-you're..j-just..s-scared of u-us.."

Eddie's vision started swimming quite nicely, almost dream like. He allowed his heavy eyelids to slip, when he closed his eyes; he saw his mommy, alive and well, with her arms wide open. Stan stood to the side with a nervous smile."

"C'mon Eddie's ok."

Eddie went to his mom as his heart in his physical body failed; leaving the empty shell of a small boy. Pennywise threw Eddie's body to the floor and smiled. 

He giggled cheerfully and disappeared, ready to find and kill Beverly. Bill was stuck unconscious in the sewers, leaving Pennywise left without a worry. Eddie's body was left with a bruised neck and a small, glistening tear sliding down his cheek. 

Ok! So, I surpassed my writers block:) I'm kinda proud of this so be nice...but I hope you enjoyed! If you did, please vote and comment suggestions for the next chapter and/or questions on the book:) thank you guys!
-Eddie the deadie boi

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