Chapter Eleven

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Beverly's heart rate slowed as the chants came to a complete stop, she pulled herself out of the tiny burrow and let out a weak sob. She was done with everything, she wanted this to be over; she missed Bill so much it hurt her heart to think about him. She looked down at her dress, which was covered in mud and appeared to be a dingy grey instead of the usual white. Her legs were all cut up and bruised. She brought her hand to her hair and realized she no longer had a hair tie, her long orange hair was tangled and matted and it absolutely refused to allow her to brush her fingers through. She sighed and walked over to the stream, her throat tight and thick from lack of water and screaming.

She knelt down and scooped some water into her mouth, she could feel the water move through her chest and down to her stomach. She scooped more water into her mouth, after she drank; she stood up and wiped her mouth. She smiled and turned around:

She came face to face with a bright red balloon

Her breath hitched in her chest as she read the white blocked print:

"I never left." 

Before she could react, the balloon popped and Pennywise  smiled widely. His eyes glowed like small yellow Christmas lights, before she could even run; she felt his hands on her chest and felt her face submerged under the cool stream water. She was panicking, she didn't even have time to breathe; she screamed and thrashed, desperately trying to get free. She felt herself losing energy as the edges of her vision grew black. She needed to stay alive, she needed to be with Bill; she needed to know he was alive. She continued to thrash and fight, her lungs screamed for air. All she heard was loud commotion before her vision went completely black. 


Richie was the first to sprint onto the scene, Pennywise stood crouched over the stream and knew Beverly laid there . He, Ben, and Mike yelled loudly; desperately attempting to distract the monster from their friend. Pennywise growled loudly, picking Beverly up by her throat and then tossing her deeper into the stream like she was a ragdoll. 

"Ben, go get Beverly when I say now." Richie whispered, raising his bat; which he decided to hammer some nails haphazardly into the wood. 

Ben stared at him with the most confused look, "Like...when you say 'now' or when you sa-"

"NOW!" Richie screamed as Pennywise charged, his teeth ready for the Losers' flesh. Mike and Richie ran towards Pennywise as Ben ran off to grab Beverly. As Richie reached Pennywise, he swung his bat as hard as he could; a loud crack echoed through the woods as Pennywise faltered. Blood floated from his skull, he let a loud, bloodcurdling scream as he recovers; he pushes Richie to the floor, a long line of drool dripping from his sharp teeth. 

"You're gonna regret that, just like Eddie regretted it. He tried to fight, Wheezy tried to fight and he ended up floating..." Richie let out a pained whimper at the mention of Eddie's name..He felt his heart drop down to his stomach.

"N-no.." He said weakly, his voice cracking as tears filled his eyes. 

Pennywise stroked Richie's black, curly hair. His eyes staring hungrily into Richie's wide brown ones. He leans his head next to his ear and whispered, "I broke his neck like a twig...his neck made the most teeeeee-rific snap, Rich...." Richie choked out a sob as Pennywise continued, "He was begging for mercy, should have seen him, was a wonderful  time..."

Richie let out another sob, "Stop it..STOP IT STOP LYING STOP..THIS ISN'T REAL." Tears were flowing down his cheeks and onto the dirt, Pennywise smiled as Richie sobbed; he loved his pain and loved to see him so vulnerable. Just as Pennywise's eyes turned yellow, he heard a voice behind him. 

"Hey sewer freak..." Pennywise felt something press against his head, "Has anyone ever taught you not to play with you food?" 

Mike pulled the trigger of the nail gun, a loud squelch echoed through the forest; followed by Pennywise's screams of anger. He turned around to attack Mike only to be greeted by the welcoming spikes of Richie's bat. Pennywise screamed in pain as Richie jumped to his feet, as Pennywise knelt in pain and trying to recover, Richie pulled back his leg and kicked him with full force in the face. Pennywise fell backwards, gasping for air as Richie continued to kick him.

"THIS..IS..FOR.." He kicked Pennywise once more and screamed on the top of his lungs. "KILLING THE FUCKING LOVE OF MY LIFE!!" The pain in Richie's voice surprised Mike, it honestly made Mike feel pained as well. 

Pennywise laughed, fully knowing that Richie was still terrified, he was not weakened; only defeated momentarily. He smiled as he pulled himself up off the ground. He stared at Mike and Richie as they covered their ears and doubled over in pain, he laughed as he relayed his promise to them.

"You will float.."

When they recovered from the pain, Pennywise was gone. 

"Hey Richie!! Mike!!" They both turned to the voice and saw Ben with Beverly. "She's still alive..just unconscious!"

Richie let out a cry of relief, he wouldn't know what to do if he lost two of his best friends in the same day. Richie ran over to them, he let out another cry; Beverly's chest was expanding and shrinking as she breathed, he pulled her out of Ben's arms and hugged her tightly. He fell to his knees and sobbed into her shoulder. Eddie was gone, his love, his only true love; he was dead, no more teasing, no more piggy back rides, no more slow dancing to their favorite song (Put Your Head On My Shoulder), and no more kisses. He hated this, he wished Bill was present to help him; Bill always helped whenever Eddie and him fought. He always helped when Richie needed it, he wished he could talk to Beverly as well; but there she laid unconscious in his arms. He felt alone and sad, he had no idea what to do and what was happening. He wished to live a normal life without this stupid fucking clown haunting their every stupid movement. He felt Mike's and Ben's hands on his shoulder, attempting to comfort him; which made him cry even harder. He hated IT, he hated everything about IT....his life no longer felt like it has meaning...



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